Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I think that was my argument in response. That if you have a weak ground line-up you should have a strong naval line-up we should have Type 45 destroyers :D

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the speed advantage matters more since it lets strike eagle be a better launch platform for AMRAAM than the F-15C

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the F-4C sucks quite a bit.

W23 shell Iowa class justified?

Yep, but also the F-15C can get into the notch faster and stands a better chance when the fight goes WVR. So it swings about. F-15E is likely better overall, but I think the F-15C is competitive vs the 3. At least way more so than pretty much all other 13.7s at the moment

Yeah, I mean I would prefer something that can be played with more playstyles like J-10A, but its great as well. Its not the most important part of that argument anyways.

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well the Israeli baz meshupar and Japanese JM (license made F-15C) also do good.

the Su-27SM is also better now after the FM and engine buffs from what ive heard

You primarily get three Brit mains:

  • Those who only want domestic stuff nothing more. Typically refuse to acknowledge that there are other players of the tree who do want Indian and Saffa stuff.
  • Commonwealth enthusiasts
  • Those from the Commonwealth

So its never every Brit main.


F/A-18A Early pre Operation Prairie Fire 86’s ~ desert storm 91’s with Air-to-Air weapons AIM-9L & AIM-7F

I don’t know F/A-18C (USMC) with AN/APG-73 RUG II or AN/APG-79(V)4 AESA radar

But battle rating 14.3 minimum, maybe

Another aircraft 1970’s in rank VII from UK, USA & USSR coming to next major update ?

Sure ?

yeah, the performance and energy advantage of the F-15E and Typhoon and the overall performance of the Rafale in shorter ranges still slaps the Su-27. But Typhoon has a radar that is nearly as bad as the Su-27 at the moment. So both can be as blind as each other in a 1v1 and the R-73s and R-27ETs are no jokes in a fight. Especially in SIM

You said that its unlikely that GB lower tier vehicles are being treated fairly due to a slight neglect of top tier, which isnt the case because GB has some criminally good vehicles.
You said:

Basically the majority of the British mains here…

do you think Japan should get the peak Yamato?

The most powerful battleships of WWII are being added this year, so yeah, but every other nation MUST get an equivalent the same update.


Why not? Just when the time comes. There are a lot to do for naval however, map designs being the biggest issue and compression. Still, it shouldnt be ruled out.

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Not just maps, also reward systems need to be overhauled. You should atleast get 3x-4x times the amount of RP you get per match.

People grind the tree, especially the later stuff, to unlock the top tier stuff. Grinding a tree is quite a major commitment and often results in the purchase of premium vehicles.

Whats the point of grinding past the lower BRs for Britain if the top tier sucks so much. Most would rather invest their time and money into another nation like Germany or Sweden for Ground where they have solid tanks at every BR including top tier.

End-Game mindsets exists. I think a lot of players burn-out getting through the APDS hell of the 6.0-7.7 anyway, but more than a few get top tier, unlock their first CR2 and give up immediately and swap to another nation. The player count for top tier britain is pretty low for a reason. Because few make it that far.

Gaijin invests its time and energy for what will make them the most money. If the choice is between a nation like the US which most of the playerbase plays or a nation like Britiain that few do. Then the US will win every… single… time

so each nation should get its best battleship in its best configuration?

i think itd be a pretty cool naval top tier, but with only like 4 nations

Define the term main please.

As people use the C&P argument to their advantage but then end up being a I don’t like it situation

There is a reason why a said “playable” because majority of the good vehicles aren’t even fully domestic to Britain, and at most only part British (ex. Sherman Firefly).

Like the first ZA flagged vehicle I’d call good is French, and a lend-lease plane is my favorite(and most played) plane in the UK tree.

So bar two vehicles majority of domestic UK vehicles are either playable(aka the few good BRs) or straight up bad/unplayable.

well the spitfires are good, and there are a ton of those in UK tt throughout a fairly wide BR range so reducing it to two types of vehicles, while technically true, isnt really accurate