Gaijin cant afford Duracall :P
get out.
But I don’t want too : (
I would rather see a WW II / Cold War Update before F18 and AA Update.
(Its been so long that we got more older fun stuff over the newer things)
Yeah that too would be nice.
We have the Japan foundation day > valentines then i guess the leaks will start coming. Unless we get surprised.
I will cross my fingers that we get something nice for Japan
only thing i would like to see for Top Tier RN would be a F2 Viper or a funny ATGM Car for japan, other wise older stuff no question asked like a Saxton SPH.
But arent you excited for japan to get a Malaysian F-18 next major update instead of the F-2 :P
For Britain air next major. I can only see a Hawk of some description or a C&P F-18. Which I would prefer over many other worse C&P aircraft we could get
IJN Yamato is also something nice, but im more inclined to that theyre not going to get a F-2
Since when did battery packs come in 5s wtf
I wouldnt double down on hornet(and su-30) quite yet, possible, but I would argue they would come in the summer update. Usually March is a bunch of C&P with some cool high-tier stuff.
:( tbh i hope every nation get’s something. But mainly japan :)
no bias here
When can i look forward to DEV Season?
Within 17 years.
Thank you not.
Props early march, we still got a month