Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

This actually got me on the question of why doesnt French main do the same, yes Algeria hates France exceptionally(well the French killed a fifth of Algeria), but what about other places

Just give me anything F-2. F-16AJ is a joke ;.;.


If you want to see the reaction of french mains when it comes to adding subnations, just check the BeNeLux case, the reactions weren’t so clear cut, but a good chunck was actually unhappy with the addition of foreign vehicles in the tree.

Since i’m somewhat one of these people, i can explain my motivations by :

  • potential delay of native french
  • gap filling with leopards and whatever else instead of native leclerc protoypes
  • it gives a reason for gaijin to not work on the bug reports pending for years now, because their impact on gameplay are somewhat softened by the arrival of said foreign vehicles
  • add a bit of national bias for homegrown vehicles and the fact that france doesn’t need a subtree, and particularly in the modern era

that’s how it goes for me, to each his own reasons, i don’t pretend to represent every french main

TLDR : i grinded france to play french stuff, not F16 and leopards


Be careful what you wish, BF109F-2 is also “anything F-2”

Several years have passed, but the gaijins still ignore the reduction to real characteristics and functions of the Stinger, Mistral and Type 91 MANPADS. And at the highest level, Japan has the shameful Tan-Sam SAM without a phased array radar at 30 km, which it has in reality, LOAL and ARH homing head of missiles at 14 km. We say hello to the Pantsir S1.
And yes, 80-90% of the maps in the game are absolutely unplayable for high-level SAMs - aircraft/heli can jump out at your respawn at low altitude and shoot you from behind a hill/mountain/lowland with impunity. Another part of the maps is designed so that if you try to leave the respawn on an SAM (to hide from aircraft/heli), you will be instantly shot by enemy equipment. Oh yes, it is very realistic for SAMs and SPAA to stand next to tanks in direct line of sight of the enemy.

Complained by Britain mains as well

I guess challies just suck but leclercs doesnt

Same for Britain

I am not British(but I probably own more British vehicles than 90% of British players in this game)so I cant make a definitive comment, yet if you look at chaps like morvran you can see that as well

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well tbh i think there’s also a good chunk of UK mains opposed to foreign vehicles tbh.

But some like to troll on the indian Rafale in particular (french/bri’ish shenanigans and not a real wish for some, i suspect)

I won’t pretend to know the proportions of each group (opposed / supportive of foreign vehicles) for each nation though

Type 81 could possibly get its radar soon alongside the ARH since multiple systems sams are confirmed technically type 81 is one of them, it could even be one of the first as a test.


I am neither a big fan of foreign vehicles, but I do consider choices which are more resemblent to what Britain may operate in an alt-history timeline. So I would mostly say no to Soviet designs, but for L2A6M CAN or M1A1SA RAAC I wouldnt be much harsh if they have a unique model.


These are identical to US M1A1SA outside of export armor (slight downgrade) and tungsten rounds (also a downgrade)

As if Britain mains arent used to it

On the topic of abrams, the 269th Mec. Bde. Did receive M1A2Ts. I mean, this is pretty obvious aint it.


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The thing is, the two are still close enough in pen and armor that a BR difference wouldn’t work.

So the best case is just having RAAC skin for US M1A1SA

I wonder who will get a C&P top tier aircraft ?

Let’s hope it doesn’t get in the way if my F-15 I’m about to research since I’m one aircraft away

Then they have no reason not to add its ability to fire on the move

The AF 09 is superior as it can pen more and missiles have more Tnt you cannot overpressure a Leo 2 with the Ratels best missile

Truly the most oppressed people in the world.

Oppressed more like stuff added in broken unusable state and then nerfed further.

HESH…Oh no it can 1 shot a T-55 and T-62 like it was designed to…cant have that nerf it.

There have been countless nerfs and balances Gaijin have applied to British vehicles.


Im guessing everyone is getting an F-18 next update.


I’d rather have the AA update first personally.


Would be good. Would also hopefully mean they can stop nerfing things Brimstones

(note I care more about ASB than GRB and its really annoying planes are nerfed because of tanks)