They don’t force you to grind the 37DI, it’s in a folder
True it should get python 4
What I wanted to say was
‘If Gaijin introducing ASRAAM’
then Gaijin will add [Super-late]-ish version of Tornado F.3 and grind from stock all over again.
You can advocate for that if you want, i’m just trying to save people time and another 400k rp
The issue is that it’s already called the F.3 Late, which suggests that Gaijin have already decided that it’s the last one
More so ASRAAM is going to push the level like the Tornado GR.4 already has a rough time with the 9M giving it ASRAAM and the potential to face Su-35 just makes the aircraft even harder.
This is going to be very challenging to balance
Like Shay said, I think it’s a “is it needed” problem first, if something is needed and no domestic equal, than go to sub.
and the need is not so pinpoint, Typhoon is similar to Rafale, so it’s not needed, similar for SU-30MKI I think.
Gripen is not new, it’s already in game, and like I said it’s loadout is fictional, the SAAF Gripens use IRIS-Ts only, they don’t have a Fox3 for it yet though I believe they want the Meteor.
Like I said, the SAAF don’t provide any new top tiers from now on
Difference germany has typhoons left
Uk still has indian Rafaled, su 30s, mig29.
The uk tree has a lot to be added while germannone could do with more extensions
Well in the case of the Su-30MKI. It is Indias most numerous combat airframe, If India is to remain a subtree of Britain (we know that can change) Surely there can be no reason why Britain should not receive the Su-30MKI
Not right away but when they decide to add it.
and India can provide plenty of new top tiers
Germany has maybe one more EF, with an AESA radar and that’s it. No more.
that would follow on from the Tornado F.3 as a heavy fighter with the Eurofighter as a light fighter, but the SU-30MKI is already pretty controversial so whether they decide to add it or not is still up in the air.
And the F/A-18 fills the naval fighter gap between the GR.9/Sea Harrier, and the F-35 which is otherwise going to be a huge jump
There’s also the Hawk 200 with ASRAAM + AMRAAM for top/higher tier.
For lower down we could see a Hawk 200 early at 12.0-12.7 with 9M + Skyflash.
Or the Hawk 100 around 10.7 - 11.0 with 9L.
Or even the Hawk T.1A at 9.0 with only gun pod + bombs and rockets as an equivalent to the Alpha Jets. Even the US could get this with the T-45 Goshawk.
Cheetah is no where near top tier, it would be worse than the Kfir C.10
Good that gajin doesnt care and many still want to see them in the Uk tree shrug
Not realy true. Its tranches they dont realy bring differences Uk got the same trough upgrade programm
Realisticaly 1 more tornado its gets ecm and iris-t, besides that 1:1 copy paste to the current one it does nothing and has no place in the current meta anywhere
Nup not the case
Yo wtf, it was all chill a day ago, and I’m gone for, what, three hours? 256 replies? Seriously?
maybe, but it’s another issue
it’s not really like this, light or heavy really not matter much. Ground or Naval too. it’s just about the role in the update and functions
Top tier is anything in rank 8, which the Cheetah would be
I mean the US has F-16 light fighter and the F-15 heavy fighter.
Same with Russia and the MiG-29 vs SU-27
Or China with the J-10 vs J-11
Britain kind of has that with the Typhoon and Tornado, but the Tornado is pretty much done now so the SU-30MKI follows on quite well