Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Germany has much less top tier jets then Britain, and much less options for the future seeing as Britain already has two sub trees

Out of all the trees I imagine getting a hornet, sweden is the only one that actually needs it, the Ilmaavoimat F/A-18c/D is vital considering the gripen is in a rough spot for air currently.


Yeah I’ve only touched that box once and never again, mainly due to having around 1M at a time in my bank lol

South Africa provides nothing new at top tier, and even what we do have is partially made up.

Also people hate the idea of SU-30MKI to Britain, same with Rafale, and MiG-29K, adding the Australian Hornet to the conversation will hopefully make people less opposed to some of those additions.

Germany also has more versions of the Typhoon than Britain as well as more modern Tornadoes, so aside from the Harrier GR.9, which won’t even be top tier for very long, Germany probably has more actual domestic stuff than Britain. and again, people already hate India in Britain


I got coupon for the i-29 from about 3 million worth and thats all im gonna get

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I would be far more ok with the brits getting a hornet than a sukhoi.


Yeah… I myself am waiting for the SNCAO 200 to be added… it was unveiled in the same leak…


Exactly, far more people want an Australian hornet than an Indian flanker, Australia and Britain are far closer tied than Britain and India, i know there is already an Indian subtree but an aussie jet already exists in the high ranks of the british air tree so it only makes sense for the raaf hornet to follow suit.


So my pure Pakistan line up is growing mahaha


Ok, fine, you made me go look for sources.
DSEi 1999 Chertsey, this is its origin, so not very much to Grece


I think most people would, same with them getting a Hornet over a Rafale.

That’s not to say I don’t want a SU-30MKI, but if that doesn’t happen then a Hornet is the next best thing

There are also more than twice as many Australian vehicles in Britain than Indian ones

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I think most people would be happy with that

Very true at the higer end of things, Britain potentially has :
Tornado F.3 (Final version) With ASRAAM and AIM-120
Typhoon FGR4 Tranche 3 with AESA Radar ASRAAM, Meteor, Brimstone 3, SPEAR and Stormshadow
F-35B (maybe A model if they purchase it)
Harrier GR.9

Players dont like it but there will have to be some level of blending of the tech trees to prevent the game turning into only Russian and US new aircraft every update


I don’t think we’re likely to buy any As, we barely have enough Bs as the Air Force and Navy have to share them, though we could get As too through Australia xD

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They’ll put ASRAAM on the F3 Late I imagine, no way they can force people to grind another ADV

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There was rumblings as a short term fix buy some 35A models while we wait to decide what UK government stance is on the future of Typhoon modernisation.

Yes way, they already forced Swedish peoples to grind other JA37D and JAS39

The JA37Di is the analogue to the F3 Late

Maybe but the BR would have to increase to accomodate that. maybe having 3 separate models would be the best way to do it?