Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Fair enough, but I do suspect that the Mai Waffentrager situation is a bit blown out of proportion. From what I can tell she has done more help than harm to the community, even if some of her research is sketchy at best.

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Chile doesnt have a lot to offer
Sure leo2a4 can feel the gap but fq6 is rly unnececery

Japan didnt have a lot of heavy tanks. And thats the problem.
Mostly of heavy tanks is paper designs, or half-made, scrapped like O-I (which soon or not soon enough gonna be added) and Ho-RI.
It gives some of armor which Japan lacks to the game.

And that’s representative of Japan armed forces so nothing really wrong with it being like that ingame

R2y1 had no armament, and it was propeller.

That’s fair. the TT does lack tanks and anything with armor, so I guess i’m alright with the Ho-Ri continuing to exist.

Looks like the event f5 is only getting normal 9l instead of 9li. also its 11.0 currently which seems fair.

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I think that most of japanese community would love to have designs which didnt saw the skies, or didnt touched the earth.

checks bank account

And? They’re almost completely fake so shouldn’t be in-game, this isn’t WOT

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yeah? again the plan to mount jet engines on the R2y instead of the piston propeller engine was real and not made up by Gaijin, though if the proposal has gone further would it have stayed an unarmed reconnaissance aircraft, or became a fast bomber or a fighter/interceptor is not known.

That is easy to say for someone who plays a tree with basically no gaps

No 13.3 jet, does that mean we should get proposed B-1R ?

Blue prints and designs that were drawn up during ww2 are not “fake”, wot devs design vehicles from scratch, that is fake.

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So that makes it not historical

For all we know it could’ve collapsed on itself, I can make a blueprint for a tank with a 7 barrel 120mm hand cranked Gatling gun and it’d be just as real as the Japanese ones

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Okay. P1000 ratte when?

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The pure Wot fiction yes i agree.
but some of them not.

Ho-Ri is pretty fictional, so is AJ, and so is r2y2 which is being removed

And you went back again.