Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

The B-1R never existed, but the engines, radar, and missiles did so it should be added

They can do it now since Japan already has a real F-16 through Thailand, as well as having best F-15 for BR ingame

Yeah, but they should do it when the F-2 is added

Also, the Thai F-16 sucks

so… only one part was made, and never mounted on anything? I question why it’s in game then. Yes, to get a suggestion passed it needs to have purpose made parts, but i’m pretty sure a big part of it getting into the game is multiple parts purpose made, and I think a big part of that is the hull.

(also i’m just trying to have a discussion, sorry if that sounds kinda aggressive)

Mainly because if Japan doesn’t get vehicles like the Ho-Ri their 1.0-6.7 lineup will be beyond horrendous.

I doubt it.
I had the Chinese PT-76 fully researched, I didn’t buy it due to being busy at the time and lack of SL, but they still removed it.

Long story, but it was on the old forums. Some Japanese individual made a rather realistic looking photoshop of a “planned” Ho-ri, which fooled people. I think it was this one, but I could be wrong:



The one that actually was planned looked like this, the bottom one being one of the “most possible” Ho-ri’s



Do note that I am not an expert with Japanese stuff tho

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Gajin might add F-4D (early) with AIM-7E and in folder with F-4C instead of give AIM-7E on F-4C ? 🤔

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Doesn’t make it ok to have completely false vehicles

Yep, I was correct.
Mai Waffentrager was the one that provided the details.

“Mom can we have Ferdinand and JagdTiger?”
“No we have Ferdinand and JagdTiger at home”
Ferdinand and JagdTiger at home:

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I mean I guess that’s fair, despite the fact Japan doesn’t really have a 6.7 lineup other than recoilless rifle rat and worst ATGM in the game.

Did she fabricate the multiple surviving wartime documents stating the construction of and delegation of resources to 5 individual Ho-Ri prototypes?

Even if it sucks it’s at least real

Well, there are people who claim that Mai did so, but they themselves deny it and say that it is Gaijin’s fault for not modeling the Ho-Ri correctly.

So yeah, it pretty much confirms that at least some aspects of the Ho-Ri are complete fabrication ingame.

Ah that

Some perhaps, but at the very least there is evidence that the vehicle is more real than many would have you believe.

Well yeah, I’m not denying that the Ho-Ri was a real program.
I personally don’t have too much of an issue with it ingame.

Nope not made up by Gaijin, the idea of R2Y2 was floating around way before Gaijin existed. The 3 different engine placements could have been made up by Japanese engineers or historians as speculation after ww2, but the proposal to mount jet engines on the R2y1 was real and happened during ww2, while the made up element by Gaijin is the armament.

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