Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

they could at least give an actual counterpart radar like APG-82 for F-15E or APG-63v3 for F-15C which are AESA like RBE2-AA

For the time period it wasnt all a SAM had to was turn the Radar off and the HARM would miss/loose track

ALARM it would fly if the Radar was then turned off it would continue to where it knew the emissions were. Deploy the parachute and wait.
As soon as the operator turned the Radar back on it would drop onto the Radar.

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I’m sure they will soon enough, but the US is still better off than 4 other countries, they need more attention right now than you do


It’s not the time it was made that matters it’s the ability of the aircraft.

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and the abilities of the much older M-scan are behind the abilities of the much newer AESA

That is true however the F 15 is still very strong

It is literally just the Rafale, no one else has actual top tier AESA yet

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North American A-5 Vigilante

this may be added since we got the vark


Kfir C blk 60, it can see top tier

Great, I’ll absolutely run circles around an F-15E with my Kfir and it’s Derbys

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i mean thats why its 13.0 and not 14.0?

yeah, it’s borderline top tier, I’m talking about actual top BR aircraft, you know, the ones that actually matter to this conversation

16.7% of all 14.0 aircraft have AESA radar and F-15E does not

yeah 1 of 6.

While we’re throwing numbers around, did you know that only 60% of nations have a 14.0


Oh wow, 1 out of 6 has an AESA


The F15E is still a top contender, it doesn’t have to be the best.


japan will hopefully get F-2 ASAP, russian have Su-30SM probably coming next update, China has J-11B, and Sweden may have Gripen NG

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And when they come the F15E will be upgraded appropriately to match the capability.

Maybe even the J-11BG for China, giving them a AESA radar aswell


yeah that would be neat with like an F-15SA or something