Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Why do you keep bringing up stuff like the F-15EX and these highly advanced missiles?

Yeah, I’m not saying it’s bad at the job, it’s just for WT I can’t imagine them modeling EW well enough for the Growler to be better than something like the F-15EX, F-16, F/A-18, or even the Prowler tbh for the US, and that isn’t even to mention the at least 7, but I think up to 9, ALARMs the Tornado can carry

ok then F-15SA and AGM-88B

Rafale F3R is from 2019 so thats definietly fair game (shouldve been added with EFT and Rafale tbh)

Ah yes, the good ol’ introduction date arguement


I mean, that’s why we added the F-15 first, and then the F-16 later.

And why the MiG-29 and SU-27 both came in much later patches than either of those aircraft.

…Oh wait

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yeah, i mean they might just make the EA-18G best EW in game but even then theyd probably sell it short.

ALARM is objectively worse than HARM though

i mean, US is stuck with 1980’s airframe 4th gen w/ mechanical radar while France gets a 2000’s airframe 4.5 with AESA radar so we shouldve gotten the F-15SA at the same time

Here’s a fun fact, just because something was dated one date doesn’t mean it’s equal to the stuff that came out/is from then.

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At 2.9 mach it would be pretty hard to hit

what about an airframe about 20 years newer?

Man’s about to ask for the F-22

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no, im saying that rafale is 20 years newer than F-15E

its radar is about 35 years newer too

The newest models of HARM, maybe.

ALARM can loiter which is something the HARM can’t do.

The HARM has better range, but the ALARM has plenty, you don’t want to fire these missiles from too far anyways, hence the wild weasel strategy

eh not really theyve had the terminal guidance for some time now

Don’t you usually want 2 aircraft. One with less munitions or munitions they can drop early clutter radar to dodge and keep radar on while the other launch’s the Anti rad

Ideally, but you can do it with one if needed

you’re confusing stuff. “Space can"t save you” just comes from the fact that the US developed an anti-satellite air lauched missile that was launched from f-15. It has nothing to do with the EX being a better F-15… It was literally launched by a F-15A (also later the program was abandoned, mainly for political reasons)
And I insist, the EX was an Advanced Eagle F-15 which was straight up a F-15E upgrade.

Would you mind explaining to us how exactly the introduction date affects the ingame performance?


That is true. I enjoy Growling sidewinders wild weasel videos they’re very entertaining.

yeah, later variants, I think it was the AGM-88G that added terminal guidance in 2012, the ALARM was retired by the RAF next year.

So, the ALARM and HARM were equivalents until recently, and you’re forgetting that they’re both later anti-radiation missiles, you’ve completely skipped over the AGM-45 and AGM-78

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