Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah definitely I wasn’t trying to say the SLAMRAAM shouldn’t go to norway I was mean like at least we can get 1 cool thing.

Also did norway ever upgrade to the -ER variant?

All nations could get a column added for
that I was just useing the US as an example because it’s what i’m educated on.

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Well nothing 100% Americans, I mean not even Americans 100% themselves : P

Gaijin said they can’t add additional columns

Alright ya dane

Well then I guess just folder them into their fighter equivalent, but we need to see the early growling aircraft in game imho.

honestly dont know enough about the australian F/A 18s and how they came to existence,
i am only tired about the KF41 debate which i know how to argue

As someone who lives in an ex Danelaw kingdom territory, hello 👋

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I dont believe ER was ever used during the project, if the US used ER before they canceled then yeah. Im not familiar with the time frame of ER

I think your discussion about the av8 lone majes sense.

Honestly what I think makes america mains made about other people getting the exports of their aircraft/tanks is that when america updates there items they change it hugely making gaijin have gaps between adding the better version of the aircraft for the Americans, while the other countries make small additions that make it better that get added.


EW aircraft would be cool, but only for air battles. Ground battles need better SAMs, SPAAs and other AA solutions first.


A EC map for tanks could work too with SAM systems on either end. The growling would go in first than the regular strikes could clean it up. While the tanks are taking more points and doing objectives.

they bought them from us, pretty straightforward

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Prettiest place in Newcastle:

Its always traumatic to me to see that f-cking york used to be on the coast

i can only speak for the german side similarish situation

But the obvious difference is that our stuff is all ground and that can be argued trough ground needs line ups

Besides that i think all nations should get all vehicles of their subtrees.
About nations who dont have a subtrees where they fit best.
2A4(M) can and KF41 australia as example, both highly unique versions qhich dont have an equivalent in the german tree thats why they should go the german tree.

Air is more dofficult for me to see, US has so many different F/A18 that i just dont know how much it would hurt them to actualy not have that F/A 18 variant. There is no air line ups (we dont talk about ARB)

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