Yes, new pack premium
Watch it be an canadian or australian german vehicle for germany
Nope clearly Polish heli subtree for Japan
You know. Im suprised that this happend. You are a second person who in reaction to the current situation mentioned to me Canada or Australia. Context is a little different, but still…
Do you guys know something i dont?
The what
Ummm, im not sure what to say about it.
No, to be frank, i do, but that would be against ToS.
Im just going to use this clip from a race
Its more likely that japan gets indonwsian helis.
Poland womt be added to kapan2
In that part of the movie he’s in france eating seafood. :3
Not a hint btw
another Mod!!!
is the Mig27 a close in weapns system?
Yes, all of that for Defender of the Fatherland Day
They literally couldn’t test it cause on exhibition it came without engine or transmission (Sources are say different, but all indicate the inability to move)
Yes, but it works a liffle differently, as it itself closes on the target.
must be xD
forum mods don’t know anything about dev blogs unlike magazine
Bold assumption