Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

@Smin1080p_WT Is there any reason as to why we aren’t up to 15.0 BR in air? With this latest BR changes we seem to be getting more compression instead of decompression which everyone is asking for, it just seems that the Devs are determined to never decompress unless there’s community backlash.

This is incorrect. BRs were decompressed as planned in the last major update to 14.0

We would typically never jump up a whole 1.0 BR.

Well more so a question if more spaa are planned to be added, after these changes it will completely remove spaa from one of the few lineups on sweden with more than 3 tanks. Tbf the LVKV has always had to uptier the 4.0 tanks to 4.3 if you wanted SPAA but it would be nice to have decent SPAA that didn’t need to be uptiered to even have some.

As you would know very well by now by how many times you have asked me these types of questions, we cannot go into spesifcs about what Vehicles are planned and at what BRs ahead of any official annocinent in Dev blogs.

As we have said, more SPAA are planned. Where they are BR wise and when they come however is not something we can detail ahead of time.

Its just frustrating to have an entire lineup effectively ruined since they lose their only SPAA and now we have to wait years before a replacement is added if even a replacement is added. I just dont get why thats also taken into consideration.

Same thing when the type 81 moved to 11.3 before the type 90s

The casino should always be a winner, right? 😂

Lets go gambling

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You know what i love about the planned battle rating challenges, We(the players) give tons of feedback, in large volume we give some very good opinions. Which are ignored while the changes 2 people asked for are the ones that get added with the revision lol.


I am extremely disappointed by these changes.

Zero decompression, no addition of missing historical ammunitions, no MBT fixes… nothing at all; just a few changes over the place.


What a grim day for news, awful BR changes, R2Y2’s being removed, and now an auction that not a soul asked for.


Yup, was hoping for high velocity ammo for the 40mm so the Veak could actually be warranted adding it to the 8.0 lineup, also fixing 40mm cannons flash considering its like shooting flashbangs in warthunder vs irl where they dont blind the crew permanently.

Moving so many spaa up while not considering the lineups is the most low effort BR changes ive ever seen.

Dont get me started on the naval or air changes lol. Naval had 3 boat lmao

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@Smin1080p_WT Is there any other way to obtain J10/VT4 and avatar frame skins auctioned by the exchange in the future? Limited to 100 pieces may trigger malicious bidding.

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Nope, completely limited to this new auction, which is a massive shame since A. I can’t access it on console and B. The skins and frame look actually unique and cool

Uh, what? yes Relikt does block, but around one in five or ten.

No? 99% of the time they explode when hit, unless there isn’t a round there, in which case, nothing happens. Some players, including a friend of mine who conducted tests with me, results seem to show that by taking only 15 rounds rather than 23 u have nearly a 30% extra chance of surviving. Also just because u crit his auto loader doesn’t mean u actually hit it, 30% of the spall can do that. A lot of people complain and then find out they missed it completely. But that said, he too must one shot u otherwise he dies still, auto loader fix is very long.

F16a at 12.3 is gonna be mfkn wild.

Sad that chinese pt-76 didn’t received such treatment (((
I almost finished it.

That’s a good thing, looking forward to AJ and Ho-Ri removal. Pure paper vehicles don’t belong ingame

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Is a hybrid between PESA and AESA. The only downside it have compare to AESA it that its not capable of jamming or something like that.

Bielka its a AESA version of IRBIS, is the radar on SU-57.

This made me remember somehow some Indian people really like Israel. Also Chile is more of the same. F-16c and Leopard2.

I might unhappy BR change delay till today, but some aircraft in rank VII good change BR

Personally, decompression max BR to 15.0 for air mode (AB, RB & SB) in 2026 or Q2 2027

J35D Draken great change BR in Air RB mode

Screenshot 2025-02-03 234210

F-105D very good change BR

But, Why gaijin lazy add AIM-7E on F-4C ?

Im having stroke reading this.