Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Tornado F.3 Late 13.3 → 13.0

It might actually be playable now.

Holy compression.

Only good things I can see are the flareless planes going down a bit but instead of dropping their BR’s just decompress further, we really should be at 15.0BR right now.

Also all the Su-25’s with R-73’s should be at 11.7. No reason for the Su-25T/39 to be 11.3. Also @Smin1080p_WT why is the Su-25SM3 still higher than the Su-25BM, 25T, 39 when it lacks the 2 R-60Ms? All it has better is MAWS but I would rather trade IRCM to make me immune from IR missiles fired behind me than to be told that there’s a missile shot at me.

Glad to see the F-14 IRIAF going up to 13.0.

J35XS 10.7 → 10.3

I love this plane I grinded the entirety of the Swedish TT with it but it’s criminal to put that at 10.3 now.

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India is in Great Britain, it is not going to leave there, it is an official sub-tree, settle for Chile

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F-105D and F-4C to 10.0 is amazing

IRIAF should get at least like 9L now though

Cough-cough, all three planes have BR 8.0. Doubtful replacement

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Except it’s made no difference since all the missiles that plagued the F-4C and F-105 have been moved down too. 10.0’s can see R-73’s from the Su-25BM since it’s going down to 11.0

Might have to get back on the Su-25BM now that at most it fights late phantom 2’s and floggers

Then F-105D to 9.7, 4 9E is not that bad

Maybe even F-4C since it’s misisles can be dodged pretty easily

The F-84 is 7.7 and can be taken into an 8.0 lineup with ease.

  1. it’s not always possible for 1:1 replacements to exist on a specific BR
  2. BRs are always subject to change.

Pretty questionable so far, hopefully they are rectified with later iterations before going live

An aircraft with a BR of 7.0 can also end up at 8.0, can this also be called a replacement? And besides, almost no one uses this plane for joint battles

They can add them and I don’t really care anymore, tbh.
Can’t wait for 7.1 second reload on ZTQ-15 and literal video of it reloading in 4 seconds not being accepted because Gaijin not allowing video evidence.

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From personal expierence its not very useful cas but it is somewhat useful in different scenarios. To be honest i rarely use F-84 for cas in ground.
They added F-84 because of more option to choose from V rank Japan.

Are u sure?
U can split it like australia so israel will get like rafale with derbys or smt
What chile can offer in air?

Yes it’s been stated in the Mig-21 Bison blog that India much like south Africa will be apart of the British tree.

Also weapons doesn’t determine where an aircraft goes

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Sure but if india has alot in common with israel so why not adding it to israel?
Well ig chile it is then

As stated in the T-90 our MBT’s were niche according to gaijin so that’s why they felt the need to add India to us.

Even though the T-90 was added at the same BR as the TTD so yeah

go see the chilean air forces sub-tree

Will the R2Y2s be treated like removed German fictional vehicles, as in, any form of RP invested keeps the vehicle researchable?

Read the blog

" * If you’ve put at least 1 RP into one of these vehicles (through RP earned or converting RP), you’ll be able to fully finish the research even after the removal date. Remember, there are three in the game — if you want to keep all three, you’ll need to put research into each individually. Since they are in a group, this would require researching V1 and V2 fully to be able to put research into V3."

This is outlined in the dev blog yes.

How many times need to clarify that India is British subtree ?

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