Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

But wouldn’t it make more sense to add both Mode 1 and Mode 2?
It’s not like it’ll use the MMW radar the whole flight to target; it’s more about terminal guidance, and the battery in the missile doesn’t last forever.

With SAL being mode 1, do you know if much consideration/testing was done for mode 2?

Sparks my japanese main interest :>

our point is why not just make the FnF mode work like IR missiles that can be blocked by trees and smoke, because as it is right now, if the enemy has a pantisr these weapons are pretty much useless unless you wanna waste over half for a single pantisr because we arent allowed the wing pylons


Its funny how hard they are avoiding talking about that.

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I made a topic and poll suggesting exactly this. Come by, vote, and comment!


“sate” and “nefed”

Are you fighting for your life Mr. Smin?

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Cant wait for the Su34 with 6x Kh38s to be 0 problems. I mean who wants the game to have an even amount of power amongst nations

pantisr is balanced , SM3 is balanced HAHA

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now that we are getting brimstones, is the GR.7 getting them too?


Any possibility of SAL in GRB but mmV in AAB/ARB/ASB in the future?

No need to limit them within those gamemodes. heck in their current state they are weaker than JDAMs

doesnt only the Gr9 get them?

The Swedes don’t bother you? Or the Italians? The best Leopards with excellent CAS

GR9 not GR7

they were tested on a GR.7 the same one that was tested with the gun pods. if you look at the tails thats the GR.7 test platform

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like 99% that it comes today

ill vote, doubt gaijin will listen, and the one time I thought the UK would be the best at something gaijin has to make sure that doesnt happen

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thats a GR.7 look at the tail

No just autocorrect sabotage))


Is GR4 getting BOL?