Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Dassault_Mirage_2000N yuh
america mirage 2k raahhhh

already in game

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i MUST grind france now


Wasn’t just referring to rafale here as nations like Australia, Canada and Spain used F/A-18 A before upgrading to newer planes

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if you can get through 6 ranks of suffering, then the last 2 are quite enjoyable :)

ah yes, i love me some premium vautour :clueless:

Almost tempting, but still too expensive

In sim it’s actually quite good in Air to Air. The tech tree IIN gets SARH missiles and is even better than the premium…at a lower BR for some reason.

the premium one gets bombs, so its a trade off bombs for sarh

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I really hope Gaijin changes this in time, literally any other country in the game would ve a better fit than China by either having a technical connection or at least a similar NATO alignment.

China can still receive ASEAN countries if they need to, but please countries like Myanmar, Laos or Cambodia, not Singapore.

I sincerely hope Gaijin realize their mistake in time


ill be honest here
all i need from this update to be happy are 2 things:
2.Ability to move TGP by just looking at MFD and moving Target designator around

all the new vehicles and all can go to hell :clueless:

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I think we have talked about this potential issue enough, if Gaijin cares they know it will be a controversial decision with at least the English speaking community as well as players from ASEAN. All we can do now is wait and see what they do

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I reckon SEAD is not coming this update.

Sea Harrier HUDs being finished and the Tornado Gr4 (even not necessarily with all the bells and whistles like Brimstone, but enough of an upgrade over the Gr1 to be a worthy addition). Along with hte promised new rank VI ship would make this one of the better updates for me this year (most have been total disapointments)

But yeah, Proper SEAD gameplay would be very fun, especially if it was intergrated into Sim in a half decent manner


Are you sure GR4 won’t come in a completely butchered state?

Yeah I know but I personally don’t see why that affects the Br in air battles in a way that the higher Br-ed one is waaaay worse against other aircraft.

The bare minimum Im hoping for from the Gr4

  • Mk103 engines
  • a Tpod better than Gen 1 (hopefully Litening III)
  • BOL
  • A new A2G weapon type (Brimstone, ePaveway, ALARM, Storm Shadow)
  • HMS (even if its just for A2G weapons like it was IRL)

and that would make me happy. Im doubting major issues like the ground radar systems will be fixed anytime soon and probably wont have ASRAAM this early. Also I would expect Brimstones to be rather handicapped, but I dont think they would be totally unreasonable at the moment with the right mitigation

Also not expecting it BUT Gaijin is known to put higher tiered A2A weapons on lower tiered airframes. I know there isn’t an exact precedent like this because usually those higher tiered A2A weapons would also be on a top tier airframe but I’m not saying it’s impossible.

Tornado Gr4 is my prediction for the first aircraft with ASRAAM. It simply has the most limitations. Even the Jaguar Gr3A which trialed ASRAAM, has the advantage of HMS (for A2A) which pushes it slightly ahead of the Gr4 in my books.

But I dont think we are quite there yet for ASRAAM.