Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Nice! It’s definitely on my list to visit, seems like a nice area in general too.

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Speaking of panther, we need a few more panthers.

Okay…you know what im gonna say already.


Coastal fleet is one of the most niche things in WT, don’t expect it to be anything, but low effort.

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Bluewater for France is already low effort so can’t wait to see what justify to spend money for the VTB with the upcoming TT xD


Most Staff when C&P is mentioned…


more India C&P when

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Fixed it for you.


Soon tm



Better yet.


god I hope not, if they are gonna force india on use they could at the very least give us something unique (ignoring the fact the last 3 indian vics have been pretty much copy and paste, the most unique one being the jaguar and 2 of them being british originally anyway)

It was before that, TZZV said they and the Turkish WT community had found evidence of them being WIP during the regionlocked pre-Beta.
I haven’t heard or seen anything abt SWE NF in mobile since then, but since they have their major updates monthly there 's several more chances for theirs to appear there than there are here, for any theoretical timeframe.

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Cant wait for the Indian Bo 105 that looks like an Elephant

Its based on Alouette III not Bo 105.


India has the K9(aka what the VIDAR is) so I wouldn’t mind that out of it’s possible C&P but that’s about it.

Pretty much confirmed then. Only thing left to see is the content.

Thanks for the heads-up.

My bad, regardless it should be a crime to not have it in game. Ever since my eyes laid upon its beauty ive been in love with its goofy design.

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Depends, is it more like base Vidar/Moukari or like the current norwegian vidar with LRF and thermals?

Indian Vajra-T doesn’t have LRF and Thermal. More like original K-9 than Norwegian K-9 Vidar.

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Ah so Moukari, still got my fingers crossed gaijins adds more K9’s because its an awesome vehicle.

I need! more SK vehicles

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