Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Wonder what nation gaijin will add naval to next, perhaps years from now lol.

M8 your answer is there, you only need to scroll up a few messages.

Was more talking after france. Theyve been slowly working france blue water and now we have coastal coming soon.

Well in that case prop Sweden with Norwegian, Finnish and Danish ships

That or china guess it depends on whether they go down coastal or blue water first

I hope it’s Sweden (with the other Nordic nations), but it could also be China next. Sweden does seem most likely though.

Actually, am I remembering wrong or was there text reference to Swedish subs in early WT Mobile datamines? @Motherhen357

China seems likely, but so does Sweden. The only nation that is unlikely to get a naval tree is Israel

Gaijin has stated Nor and DK are prem/event exclusive so i wouldn’t cross your fingers for them to be TT if they make them a naval tree

They should, but they just didn’t want to invest money into something and not have it implemented.

I’m honestly really looking forward to submarines. I wonder when they’ll eventually come


Mobile has them right? The game mode was fun but id rather they make them truly balanced if they do add them.

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Then both APHE and solid AP would be unrealistic.


There are other buffs than just turning solid shot into APHE.

I personally would have loved to see the stun/concussion mechanic being added, but the community was too worried about the game “turning into WoT”

Yeah mobile has them, I love the Type VII.

They think 1 shot = realism and surviving many penetrating shots = WOT/HP bars. The concussion probably got associated with stun made by artillery in WOT.

It’s old and don’t have everything possible but can give you an idea

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It did, despite having absolutely nothing in common with it. Yet another example polls being rather… unhelpful.

I mean, they are right, one shot penning usually leads to the crew bailing out.

But since that isn’t a thing ingame, only APHE/SAPHE can kill tanks by penning them in places that wouldn’t be kills with solid shot. Considering that APHE tends to be on the same level when it comes to penetration (or even better than solid shot), solid should definitely needs to get some mechanic that makes APHE vs Solid Shot a tradeoff, rather than APHE being a straight upgrade most of the time.

Yup, that’s exactly what happened

They could make repair cost lower, if you get hit and bail out. You would have to decide, if there’s a chance that someone will help you, or take the L and leave the tank.