Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I’m impressed to read that coming from a German xD

i live on the border, french food is propably the onyl thing i respect about france lol
No, insult intended

At least you have one thing.
I have nothing for y’all.


bitch xD


What is APHE? Is this some kind of space magic?



I am extremely excited for the j10


Hopefully germany can get the 9k33m3 to replace the Roland at 11.7

JF-17 squadron vehicle for me


that missle behaves worse, it has a long range yes, but it turns for shit

I’m rather exited about the various AA vehicles that might be coming, especially the antelope/sky sword from the RoC.

And maybe the Boxer if it will actually come.

What would be a good rank 8 premium for Japan?

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It would have to be a Thai vehicle tbh, not enough jp stuff that could be premium outside of maybe another EJ Kai

In my opinion, gajjin announced new roadmap now. I waiting BR change for aircraft rank I ~ early rank VI, ground vehicle rank I ~ VIII and fleet

That mean dev seasons started or is this aphe change outside the start of the dev season?

Outside of dev season

outside, smin literaly said today no dev blogs happening this week

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What Thai, or other SEA, vehicle would fit well?

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For air? Probs one of the various XF-2A or XF-2B prototypes as there’s like 2 or 3 that are different from the bog standard ones like there’s one with a special radar that wasn’t even on the service F2

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