Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

gripen b trainer variants with 2 seats

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The Roland very much still gives a launch warning, most A-10 players just seemed to prefer ignoring that during the time, I would assume

Now gajin announced new roadmap

For me, waiting BR change this week before announced the first devblog season in next week


XF-2A 63-8502 Testing New Technology
Mitsubishi XF-2B ADTW «63-8101» Viper Zero - The Testbed for Two


There’s quite the selection from Thailand itself really, Gripens of all already in game, various F-16s, F-5TH which brings ARH derby’s to the platform.
If we look further afield there’s Indonesia that brings the Hawk-200, amoungs more of the same with a sprinkling of SU-27s and 30s.

Both could bring the Korean T-50


All of those sound really cool!

If we add Malaysia to the list we would also have F/A-18D Hornet aswell.

As well as python 4/5 I believe

Hawk 208 (better than Indonesia’s Hawk), future FA-50M and also Su-30MKM (unique modification). :D
Their MiG-29N is kind of unique, we don’t have 9.12Bs in the game yet, the only clear difference would be the refueling probe though.


A note on the Hawk-200, it wouldn’t be the most amazing premium in the world in all honesty, but would be very interesting (imo), Essentially a Harrier B+/FA.2, with a slightly worse radar (It uses a cut down later F-16 radar) but with better dog fight performance, it would be entirely carried by it’s weapon load in service 9P4s, but designed to carry ASRAAM & AMRAAM did so in British trials, using the same argument as the Gripen getting different Mavs

Malaysia operates the 208, the 209 is the Indonesian version. All in all about the same, the major difference being the 208 has a fuel probe.


Hopefully the skyranger 30 gets added for germany, it would be a great top teir sam, with 4 active radar missiles and a 360 aesa radar

as far as I know, it’s stingers or mistrals, nothing ARH

Whoops, my bad - Anyway; Indonesia’s version is not able to take four AIM-9s missiles, nor AGM-84s, just AGM-65s, two AIM-9P-4, bombs and rockets.


So many options from different nations, Sure will be interesting to see what will be added :D
Indonesian/Malaysian hawk 200 with Thai Alpha Jet sure sounds like a tasty combo to have.

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As far as I’m aware all data busses are still there, they just don’t operate the extra weapons. We’ve seen variants get weapons and equipment that another variant can get it if it helps the vic perform.

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I has a hunch that J-10 basic limited semi-active radar homing only but not sure IR AAM mounted PL-8 only or PL-5E & PL-8

J-10 early lack domestic chinese precision-guided munition, Kh-29T and laser designator targeting pod ?

I think J-10A at 13.7 (Air AB, Air RB & Air SB) but battle rating for GRB could be 14.0, IR PL-8A & PL-8B and medium-range Air-to-Air Missile PL-11 (SARH) & PL-12 (ARH). domestic chinese Air-to-Surface Missile, precision-guided munition & laser designator targeting pod

As @Hyrikul said, if it follows the blue water trend it’s going to be pain.
Fighting Mississipis, Scharnhorsts and Kondrast in a big fat unarmored POS that can’t pen anything and which is equipped with almost-out-of-the-water ammorack where the only thing missing is a big painted sign “ammo rack here”, is not a fun experience. I will say though, lower BR fair a bit better, and Guichen can actually hold its own against SKR-7.

Regarding the lack of french vehicles elsewhere, it doesn’t surprise me, considering we had pretty good updates in air recently, and somewhat OK ground additions. Also, the leak list may not be complete and everything is subject to change, as the mods usually say X).

I’m hoping the new coastal will at least have some missile boat, but i highly doubt it tbh


It also has rather low speed. And the range is quite questionable since sources conflict (most likely 10 km for AKM). Imo it’s 11.0 at max.

Malaysia FA-50 block 20 so great ,AESA radar , AMRAAM , Pod, LGB , AGM , yes
This is an imaginary TT I made, but without the addition of SU30, considering that this is a featured aircraft of RU

the fact you dont have this as the final jet after the F2 is tragic


Mitsubishi XF-2A (Late) F-X Radar - 5th Gen Studies

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