Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Nah, they didn’t even chaff or flare till they heard the missile, that would be too late XD

Seems like a case of premium zombie. Go forward and whatever happen x)

They plan to increase the fragmentation of APHE shells whether or not the vote passes. Read the article:


haha true, we can only pray, give offerings and sacrifice to the snail 'till they add some of them

Sure… Some sacrifice… To the Snail…



I read, the secondary shatter I mean, is the shatter created before aphe exploding, by pen the armor
and the new ring shaped shatter, I have a sence it will be bad

Is it tasty? Have known this as a famous French dish, but never tried ever once.

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Inb4 the vote results change and war thunder ped- i mean, messiah, comes in and says “im not coping but people can’t read n r dumb” lol

There 's additional information in the poll page:

The vote is only to hold a test of the revised APHE.

I haven’t eaten it since I was a kid, a long time ago, it’s not a daily dish just in case :p

The tasty part is more about the garlic sauce than the snail itself in my memories.

Try it if you have the possibility ^^


Hey let’s talk bout the Major Update itself.
Anyone got any idea what would be the title of next Major Update?

I have yet to see an A-10 really tank anything lol. They are some of the easiest kills.

A-10C will also be an incredibly easy kill when it finally arrives.


Either something alongside the French coastal navy, or alongside a little thing ( a murican plane for example) we are not aware it’s coming too, i would guess.

Everyone thought the A10 would be a flying tank, but eventually it’s Su25 that won the prize XD.
Protection only in pilot cockpit is not that good in this game.

Throught they got the same absurd protection as Su25s

(Still want my Jaguar to get that, one French Jaguar got a missile hit but still could join it’s airport and land, during gulf war)



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This got added much later the french roland was the only with IRST mode. Should be updated and maybe the VT1 removed and france geting the crotal instead. Thats what french players love to omit that they also get special treatment but rather play the victim card. German rolands where missing 50% of there funcinality on realese. The lauch warining in passive mode is a bad joke to start with. Dont get me starte with the MAN8x8 Roland as a even worse joke. Its not even a frontline unit. Should just made a marder roland MK2 or give the normal marder roland the VT1. Crotal for China too as both nations use it.

german here, they are quite good you can eat them, the garlic sauce/butter is a big part
the hardest part for many people is propably getting over the fact its a snail and texture
but generaly if you eat seashells /scallops you shouldnt have any problem with snails either


Could be worse, could be the Leopard 2A4M CAN situation all over again lol.
Last time I saw a vehicle become so chaotic was the Skink

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Tbf they gave france a better spaa system than what they couldve added