Or on horses, but not ingame too.
Something in the middle.
Gaijin when?
Or on horses, but not ingame too.
Something in the middle.
Gaijin when?
True purpose of the Deux Cheveaux.
Been a good 2 decades since I had French in high school. Been meaning to pick it up. Half the radio stations where I live now are in (Belgian) French.
Don’t take correction as an insult or a critics, we self-correct each other since we are kids.
If a tourist is corrected, don’t take it as a lack of respect or anything else, it’s just our habit, and on the contrary it’s to help, at start.
One of the many points made by people who say we’re rude when they visit, but don’t look any further :p
Paris tourist guide tips #415. (Also Paris is not France)
I haven’t been to France in about a decade but the one trick I remember to get locals to speak English is to start the conversation in French poorly ;)
You will be better welcomed if you start with a bad French that immediatly in English
Just a proof that you make at least some effort is enough to open a lot of doors :p
Anyway too much off topics ^^
Yes, we’ve had one devblog but how about 2nd devblogs?
DuNkeRqUe Is ImBaLaNcE
So do we think the tank event is coming this week and what vehicle do you think it will be?
Sad they didn’t start with a French boat, boat dovbleg are usually rare, and if coastal is really coming, and with our lack of top tier capable BBs, it’s sad to see another US ships taking the lead xD
Dunkerque would even be “okish” if it come now since it’s so late to come.
Strasbourg would be more balanced.
saving the best for last.
Guessing we have to wait for the teaser before they start blogging about French coastal, China stuff, Swiss stuff
Gaijin not add new battleship top tier for USA tech tree 4 years. now it’s time
But 2 years I not play Naval RB
I guess devblog aircraft this week
Doubt teaser gonna be about something as niche as coastal boat.
More about China/Swiss stuff i bet.
How certain is everyone on the f18 coming?
Its been quite a while since the soviets got an event vehicle. So i’m guessing a somewhat OP soviet prototype tank
Just a joke from Russian WT naval community
It just the same Arizona but slightly better with the same gun, meaning dogwater reload.