Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

need more mbt/jet :(

For modern era it can be quickly modified.

Less cooldown if fail (if not no cooldown anymore),
Even less cooldown if spot
Act like buddy lasing,
More spotted if they are grouped, not just one by one.
Spot stay longer time


Cool looking boat.

Another thing i’m afraid to face of in my old Lorraine.


will we get next one today ?

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What were Gaijin’s responses when people asked them why the US tree hadn’t gotten those vehicles?
“The US tree already has other options and doesn’t immediately require the addition of these vehicles”

We’ve got a similar situation now. As the devs see it, the game isn’t ready for the Eurofighter, and Germany lacks other domestic options. To give players a reason to grind out the German tree, they’ll keep it exclusive, for at least a short while.

It’s also good to have, not only a dovbleg season that do’nt start on friday, but also with a dovbleg on a monday.

Pretty rare, it’s cool.

wouldn’t expect it before devstream

Dovbleg season started on thursday…

Italy got their tornado a patch later tho

I think it’ll be a French Coastal and China air focused update. So China stuff prob wait until teaser this Thursday.

That what i said.

Usually they start on Friday and it’s sad.

But not this time.

Ah mb, i misunderstood then

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Really hope Gaijin didn’t screwed that like the Bluewater release, but i’m already afraid/ready for a succession of poor boat choices


Just gimme one or two Dutch boaties.

I have really hard time seing Gaijin starting the French coastal with a “lot” of ships, so if some of them are Dutch i’m not gonna be happy at all xD


if it were to come my guess is below the MiG-29 as that line would’ve ended there

not a major improvement, still gonna have that abysmal +50s reload unless you GE the crew but that only bring it to 42s, without you repairing during combat of course…

thats the thing, historically speaking the Dutch navy never showed up invited to other countries. Yet they did. All over the world. Expecting the same here.

I think its really worth remembering just how badly modeled the Tornado F3 was when it was first added. It was horrific. I dont actually consider the F3 added until the La Royale which was the update in which Italy got theirs. Its when a LOT of the issues were fixed and it got the major radar updade. (though they were going to give the UK a worse radar because they wanted it to be the same as italy but flame pulled his most epic move and found evidence that italy did in fact use the better radar that the RAF used, so we got the really good radar we have now instead)


You are not invited and you better stay away from our ports !
