Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Everyone ignore KhorneFlakez1337 copium is through the roof recently and today it worse


Idk i enjoyed german air for quite a bit but i have a skill issue with the BF109 trop lol.

Im looking forward to getting the mig 21 MF. I used to love hunting players in the BN since it had that crazy flight model lol.

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The simple fact is that is not that the UK can’t get a maple hornet just that it’s unlikely to happen. Unless Gaijin is getting as much mileage out of the Hornets as it ala M109 style.

The Ram Mk II also has a British gun, so what’s your excuse?

The Ships are still applicable though.
Half the ships in the British trees are from Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

And like I said, India is just a genuine cash grab.
India has been in the game for about a year or so, I don’t remember when their first tank was added, but they’ve provided only a single vehicle that didn’t involve spending GE or actual money on the vehicle.
Canada isn’t a cash grab compared to India.


I totally dont get why the US should get a canadian or australian hornet when it operated/s the best variants to have ever existed.


It’s ether national bias or just hating on other nations is pretty much it.

Same reason as for the Canadian Leopards going to Germany and the Abrams AIM going to the US.
Those Hornets will just be used for events, premiums or squadron vehicles in the US tree.


Yeah I can’t blame you, I’ve always enjoyed the 109s over the 190s (just a skill issue on my part), but I am looking towards the East German jets due to my friend telling me they’re really fun.

The Trop variants are just heavier in general so that probably didn’t help your case tbh.
But yeah, I’d say give them another try, Germany is fun, just becomes lacking in originality after WW2, just like Japan

ADATS hello ?

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Quick someone mention japan potentially getting the VT4 or sweden getting a nordic f16


Even if India actually is just a cash grab, they have been confirmed to be Britains second subtree.

Ground is different, you have to proliferate enough models for a br to have a functional and effective lineup, air isnt the case since you only have 1 life.

I think someone blocked me lmao


After seeing someone blame sweden for gaijins view of the leclerc and leopard and abrams armor how can i get sweden blamed for the challengers armor? Gotta get the quad nation hate for something sweden literally has no control of.

Air Arcade exists

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Here’s your reasoning lmaoo

I love using this gif (Stingy from the show Lazy Town claiming everything is his/ “Mine Mine Mine”)


I don’t mind the Nordic F-16, I just wish Gaijin would fully comment to “Sweden is a Nordic tree” then. (I want funny Norwengen modernised M24(I think it was them))


For the vocals hehe


Instructions unclear, France getting a Ram tank due to Netherlands buying a Ram tank from Canada lmfao.

Something along those lines, actually I think it was the Dutch buying a CF-100 series jet tbh

Eh I could see gajin not bothering to fully comit and thus essentially leaving their air tree kinda barren. Which imo i feel like DK and Nor would be great to fill so many gaps with some variety. For ground i want unique vehicles like ford truck spaa, CV90’s ect ect