Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

“Gaijins stance on Australia and Canada is that they are support nations and do not have a set home.”

Minutes earlier “It won’t go to Britain”

You see what the problem is here ?


And like I had mentioned, Gaijin had some piss poor excuse as always.
Look at the QF 3.7 Ram, it’s still a Ram, soooooo.
Also look at the Skink, Skink “could’ve” been added, but no it wasn’t.
Going off the Ram rule, then the Skink should’ve gone to the US only

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It’s hard to keep track of the goal posts


The Canadian or Australia Hornets won’t go to Britain as they need them.
But also the US doesn’t need them where the frick do you stand ?


Mate, the only rule is that Canada is not a subtree. Their vehicles can go wherever Gaijin deems fit.

And that seems like Britain rather than the US since they got tons of there own aircraft to add


Im not talking what people want im simply mentioning gaijin. Its very likely it will go to britain because its an available option.


It won’t tho.

They went out of their way to add India to Britain, they’ve finally added a SAAF aircraft after however many years SA had become a subtree for Britain, there is no reason for them to also add a Canadian Hornet now.

I just want a Canada lineup near the top tier(as maybe I’d play it more). (That isn’t 90% event like Smin’s example(or in 5 trees)).

With the UK having the ADATS it should be built around that, as the Canadian version never served anyone else, meaning the only vehicles it served with are Canadian-used ones. (unlike mass-exported MBTs and want not)

If you look closer there no tech tree aircraft or tank for India it’s just premium side of things as of now.
While Canada got at least 3 tt vehicles and ships.

M8 you are really on one for the past week, China doesn’t need another modern jet

Oh look they got 4 and one with two variants.

In other words stop making stuff up for your copium

Hey i dont work at gaijin i sinply state an opinion and move on. Now if this was the opinion on the viggen getting ARH id know the answer cause that is a fairy tale. (Like sweden air actually being good below 13.0)

I feel like its gaijin that would do it to further add a reason to add buy premium air vehicles to grind the nation.

So Canada isn’t a subtree, yeah sure, but how do you explain the various Canadian ships/boats, and tanks?

To be precise:
3 Tanks (Skink, CANADATS, QF 3.7 Ram)
1 Ship (HMCS Haida (my beloved))
2 Boats (HMCS Brantford, HMCS Terra Nova)

Only 2 of these vehicles are a premium, with one being an event.

India is 2 tanks and a jet.
1 tank is a premium, the other is just a literal Russia Squadron vehicle, and the Jet is a pack premium.
India is just Gaijin’s excuse to earn a quick buck.

But go off about how India provides more than Canada and Australia ig.



Not only that but Smin said and he’s well aware that they can have things where they are needed.
Which I point out again the US don’t need a Canadian Hornet


Correct, I wasn’t denying it, I’ve seen the post.
The whole reason this started was because “The CF-18 can’t go to Britain”


If the Australia one is added as a SV then the US defiantly doesn’t need the CF-18.
So yea the only place it would go is Britain


See i can understand people not wanting stuff to dilute their tree.

Im over here just wanting a decent air tree experience for new players and so rank VI isnt actually hell on earth lol

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I am not the guy that decided Britain needed India.
I hate that they added India to Britain.

I’ve been going off on these forums for months now with a similar reasoning. Britain had loads of Aussie vehicles of all branches and a couple of Canadian vehicles for years, but Gaijin (or rather smin, coz we can’t get a comment from the actual devs) told us that neither of these nations are British subtrees and that their vehicles can just go literally wherever, depending on need and relevancy.

Britain alone could already fill their tree and with SA they definitely had enough content, but now with India added on top of all that there is literally not a single reason why they would continue to add any non-British vehicles from Australia or Canada to the tree.


Oh and by the way, both the HMCS Haida and the HMCS Brantford are British ships serving the Canadian Navy. The QF 3.7 probably was added to Britain solely because of the cannon being British.

See even you are aware about that so there shouldn’t be a reason why Britain shouldn’t get a canadian Hornet


Yeah no I get that.
I plan on grinding more British air down the road (Currently 5.7 Air).
But been focusing on German Air (9.7) and yeah, just having top tier being clogged is eh, but you can’t avoid it all the time