Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Well I don’t play ground so I don’t need any of that.

If you don’t need it, it doesn’t mean that everyone else doesn’t need full functionality to support ground vehicles from the air.

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With how much of a problem the f18 has caused since its leak. It seems likely that it will probably be delayed until every nation can get one. Additionally its unfair to add the F18A if the C’s exist. The only eay to Add the A would be to essentially pull the gripen A as it was intended which in and of itself is amd was a dumb idea. I feel for now gaijin should either skip the A model or add the C to all nations at the same time.

Optimal case would be F/A-18A and C for the US, F-18 for Sweden via Finland and (if it indeed has to happen) for Germany via Switzerland and a F/A-18D for Japan via Malaysia

However, with the update seeming so China-heavy I don’t see them adding that many Hornets and they will probably go for the worst scenario possible, only giving Germany a Hornet (and probably even ignore the whole “no A2G armament” thing)


Probably some butthurt US/Swedish mains (most likely the former) because they can’t go one update without having stupidly good jets


If this is indeed true, we will have the best missile in the game currently with the Kfir C.10 with the Python 4

Aw there it is :)

While we’re on the topic of Hornets, where do people think the CF-18 would go in Britain?
Personally I’d think either after the Gripen or after the Harrier GR.7.
I’m leaning slightly more towards the Gripen though

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It won’t go to Britain

What lmao? When was sweden ever meta top tier jet wise before the gripen? What OP jet did they get vs the F16 and Mig 29?

Actually delusional

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I mean gaijin could, its really up to them.

After we got India as a subtree and were told multiple times that Canadian and Aussie vehicles would go whereever Gaijin thinks they are needed?

I mean i cant see gaijin not adding one to britain, seems like another way to add more interest to their tt.

Hence why I said “Most likely the former” lol.

Only real “rules” for this were the Canadian Leopards and the Australian Abrams, the Ram Mk II iirc was Gaijin’s poor excuse of “British ground didn’t really exist”, either way it was Gaijin being dumb but now the other Ram variants have been confirmed to go to Britain if they get added.

We have Canadian and Australian tanks/ships/boats in the British tree, with Australian planes also.
So… It’s fully possible for both Countries to still make an appearance.

As it is a naval plane I’d say their naval fighters line, so line 3.


First of all, people that don’t want to use the actual British aircraft shouldn’t be playing Britain.

And second, why would they add a Canadian Hornet to the tree? It didn’t come when people were asking for it the most. Britain got the SAAF Gripen instead and now it’s also bound to get Indian aircraft.

Lastly, a Hornet isn’t even needed for Britain. Both the fighter and the strike roles are filled and there are enough contenders for further additions without even taking Canada, Australia, etc into consideration.

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again it properly will the USA don’t need it’s own variants on top of the Canadian and Australian ones.
If a country needs it more it will go there is what I understand from Smin

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The Ram II was added when the British ground tree already existed.

Gaijins stance on Australia and Canada is that they are support nations and do not have a set home.

I mean, the SA Gripen was added.
So in all honesty it only makes sense.
Look at the whole Swiss F-18 situation going on, I genuinely don’t see why the CF-18 can’t be added then lol.
No I’m not saying “BrItAiN nEeDs ThE wOrLd”

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