Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

It’s photoshopped. Though yea, we could (but will likely not) get a Swiss trialed Gripen C.

i remember the french always going on about theirt hybo bar system sth like that, i think the special kind of transmission?

what we need is regenerative steering for everybody

Oh god we will achieve a new record in parts of this thread

‘‘muh commonwealth’’

Bruh you have no idea of the dozens of bugreport about Leclerc and you do big talk?

We have obsolet APFSDS for some service time (every ingame nation got better shell except us, we have still the same top shell as on the release of the first Leclerc 5 years ago).

All armors data for every Leclercs comes from Swedish trial where it was a proto Leclerc send, not even the S1.

S2 over S1 have 2 tons of added armor, but nothing ingame, not a single mm more.

SXXI should have internal armor reinforced with titanium bar, but it just got few useless mm on the gunner side ingame.

Mobility should be better.

ERA should be NERA.

And the list is long.

And the funniest one i’ve read some time ago, apparently all Leclercs models are 1 meter too long (hull).

Plus, the 2 first Leclercs are the only 11.7MBT in the game that start with stock HEATFS.


Keeping the current pace, France has at least 5 years of top tier content before leased Leo 2s would have to be added.

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Missing OFL F2, armor weak, etc

Again not a real image, thats a hungarian gripen image thats been photoshopped

But whoa bro…the German leopard is missing 100mm of armour compared to the Swedish Leopards…Think about that

You can basically replace the nation with any other in the game and the statement would be the same factually.

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Sweden has it’s own armor packages

didnt the gripen win the swiss trails and then was veto’d by a peoples referendum?

German mains take it to a whole new level, there is a topic open with how can we get Germany an F-16!

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worst photoshop ever

Also photoshopped.

Yes, it did win the first time but got vetoed by the population.


No gripen has ever had swiss roundels its all photo shop


how so ?

Except :

  • no ones shoot at leopard UFP, it’s too unreliable (2A7)
  • The gap between DM53 and 73 isn’t as big as between OFL120F1 and SHARD
  • There is no bug report opened regarding leo’s acceleration to my knowledge, could be wrong though. In any case, leopards should accelerate slower than a leclerc, that’s basic physics really…

Just a gas turbine

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Something about Uncle Sam and Politics

its from the independent swiss airtree thread from the old forums. blame them

again funny how i can say the same with german leos xD

you realy getting boring with that quote when you are completly wrong, you just pick the most stupiest thing you can remember

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