Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

UK isnt even a real user of armed boxers lol

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A2s & A3s are all German owned (license plates).

If France do gets them then I’ll be honest with ya, I won’t be opposed to Swiss trialed Rafales making an appearance.

Hopefully it won’t come to this though since France far more unique vehicles left to add (Leclerc prototypes, EVO, EMBT etc).

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They’re stronger IRL than in game

yeah they can get an M2 when germany gets an m3 or A3

you dont wanna go down that road, looking at the Yak 141

everything here will be deleted soon. Everything is off-topic. Not even a few posts are still on the next update

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Would be the ultimate tank for France indeed.

Hope to see that beauty in that decade xD

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it is, as long as its not a direct insult its not wrong, i have seen some memes refering to german mains, dang there was even the april fools event with the germany suffers meme in it


that ship has sailed with the BENELUX techtrees addition

the problem is that the whole subtree issue probably comes from the fact that gaijin is trying to appeal to players from said trees, and if you split the line ups they wouldn’t be too happy.

At least that’s my guess

Eff it remove the Yak and gib the real pods that existed.

how so?

oh i don’t know

A missing shell (a few actually)
An incorrect acceleration
And half to a third of the armor on the UFP ?


funny, i can say the exact same about leopards lol


which i have no problems with…

Average jh7a denier

that is a bit hypocritical

UFP & shell I understand, but acceleration? Right now it’s roughly ~4s for 31kph (time from a video in-game), is there any proof it can do faster than this IRL? Because I’ve only seen evidence of ~5s for 0 - 31kph for S1 and ~5.5 to 6s for S2/S21.

Because they are the meme! German mains whine and beg for everything. Then they get it and become unbearable!


we do a little trolling

no but sersly. gaijin wants this game to be alive as long as possible. its their cash cow after all. these vehiecles will happen. its just a matter of time.