Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Do you think it will be a premium? The vilkas is already a event vehicle and the first boxer I dont think they would add a premium now. Maybe in the future if there are boxers already in the tree but not after the vilkas

At the same time there are also 2 other wheely autocannon vehicles introduced to Japan, of which I assume one will be premium.

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neither did france need to many f-16s etc
generaly its switzerland getting added, they dont directly count as german additions in my book
Ignoring how 2 vehicles might be nearly the exact same

I hope both are tt but guess we’ll see

Finland is Swedish subtree

When do Germany not

It doesn’t make sense to add the 30mm version. We already have two Pumas with the same turret and similar BRs, as well as the Vilkas with similar capabilities.

It should be the skyranger version or the version with the 105mm crockeril turret

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you dont even know if it’s nation exclusive. So chill out. I hope it wont because it causes just toxicity between nations

Making a toxic post about it is not really nice either


Imo it just fits. The VCBI is also premium and I assume 1 of the 2 japanese wheely boys will also be premium, given that they seem way to similar to both be TT.

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Since when was the gun of the PUMA considered the main selling point of it?

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I hope they add this to the swiss subtree.


So Britain get a singular event boat.

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If gaijin did something like this,It’s a little too much.

and last patch britain got like 3 rank 8 planes and?

You can always drink some more tea to chill

I would laugh so bad if it doesn’t end up being German exclusive or if it ends up being delayed. All his taunting would really backfire lol.


Swiss F/A-18C it might be F/A-18C basic but limited IR AAM only. My guess

But I might not surprised F/A-18C Upgrade 21 & 25 delayed


Would be deserved, tbh.


jesus, i knew of the leo 140, didnt know they put it onto this kind of configuration

afaik it was just to carry the gun arround? i could be wrong