Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

The shaft?

They get more SPAA, another top tier plane, another KV-1 (which are really OP at their current br’s) and a speed buff to all T-80 series.

Boxer has to be some SPAA variant, that’s what I’m hoping for. It’s the thing I’m most excited about right now. If it’s the variant with a cannon, I’ll be even happier (though I doubt it).

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Well ill bite my tounge when the update drops and everyone doesnt get the shaft but so far looks like only china and germany are eating well


Wah wah

When is it?
( ik not this month)

Skyranger 30 would be the dream, but I also dont see that happening this update

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with everything else germany is getting god I hope not


Weird it doesnt get it’s autoloader modeled.
Or that 292 isnt mentioned in getting it’s turn speed fixed.

Man, I hope it’s not a Skyranger. A Boxer with 12s of AHEAD and Stingers would be mid as hell.

ahead still is underperforming, its still only a cannon spaa
it wouldnt be all to huge
With the aesa and tws the only thing it would realy realy excel at is intercepting stand off missles…
but yeah those dont even give rewards

The boxer might be the 30mm puma turret one as a 9.7 premium.

God China finally getting content, with that being said, hopefully the teaser will be centered around China to make up for the lack of it.

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Update title: China Rising

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tbh I dont think germany is any need of another vic this update with the possible 6 and a domestic american jet they dont even get, or finnland a nation that also operated them

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swiss final


There are a lot of AA pieces to be introduced, so presumably the skyguard puma this patch and an IFV prem later.

i mean with the ahead changes recently it might be a possibility, although i believe it is more likely going to be the rct 30 variant also as a techtree counterpart to the event vilkas

It’s a garbage practice to generate hype and make people grind out one TT this update, then another TT next time, and so on.

Just give Hornet to all the operators at once please, especially the nation that designed and built the damn things. We’re talking about a simple reskin here, how hard can it be?


Cause F-15C MSIP II and F-15JM disappear just cause Germany allegedly gets an equivalent aircraft?
China BTW is getting a an F-16C/29SMT/GripenC equivalent fighter; so still not F-15C equivalent.

They are getting good options; and when Germany waited a patch for an equivalent aircraft other tech trees had people claimed it was dead on arrival. I hope your posts didn’t contain that.

J-10A is the Mig-29G/9.12 of this update.
I will NOT call it dead, cause it’s not. It’ll be good.

Inb4 it gets delayed because of the US posts already starting about it

Also sweden doesnt use f18, finland does

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