Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

What would be the difference between the CTWS ICV and RCV in game?

Premium would make sense, I just don’t want her to be time-locked.


yeah that could be possible but I dont think this would be added before belgium gets the turret aswell. But it’s still likey just because the PUMA S1 and boxer in the same update is weird

Yeah and swe/fin gets a prem tank with no lineup

At least ill have some vehicles to grind on japan

Wow… Israel gets a plane and four tons of Namer.

On one hand, I’m happy that Switzerland is coming to the game. On the other hand, I’m frustrated with how it’s happening.

I was really looking forward to the Swiss tanks arriving. But not like this, and now they’ll definitely be restricted as event vehicles. (Yes, I hate events because I have a life).



for germany and china lol everyone else besides maybe russia is getting the shaft lmao

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For everyone, and refer to the post you replied to.
No one is “getting the shaft”.

Russia definitely isn’t getting shafted lmao


It looks like the next version of Britain may not have anything but a boat. What a disappointment.

The other half of the “average” is the french coastal tree

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The French got an entire air subtree last patch, calm the tata’s

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God I hope we get much more for the full update… a man can dream… just one CVRT come on gaijin you can do it…

idk no tech tree additions this update sounds like the shaft to me lol

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the tankers had a little too much to eat

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It’s amazing !

For me, F/A-18C Upgrade 21 & 25 might delay. But from leak list would be F/A-18C basic abd limited IR AAM only

I hope AGM-65E & AGM-65F replace AGM-65D & AGM-65G on USMC AV-8B+

I’m not sure Kfir C.10 from columbian or Kfir 2000 prototype

Finally AH-1Z (USMC) get new ATGM

I might believe chinese main player lucky gajin add 3 Multirole Fighter with domestic china armament

No, the average is the average. Coastal tree increases the average by 10 and is irrelevant to the average.
So including coastal it’s at most 40% of the next update.

With one original design? Sure…

Wahooo more Boxers! Sad that the T1E1 90mm doesn’t have a stab. Would’ve been a funny clubbing machine. Also good to know that the Pz 87 140 will end up in Germany.


Too much injured and superinjured to transport back
Edit: BMPs probably too

Really? It’s September already and the update is out? -_-