Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Indian sprut premium(the elevation mechanism echoes churchills)

It wasn’t even added and some were already doing that because Swiss Hornet apparently couldn’t carry any ground ordnance

They will likely add the T-80BVM Obr 23 at some point

Yay Warspite! Not thrilled she’s an event vehicle, but good to see her regardless! :D


would be nice but so far only italy, russia and america have them so i doubt france will launch with one but who knows lol

I think 10 for the Legacy Hornet

lmao this is gonna be such a shit show to watch I cant wait

Its also funny how the Russian T-80 series are getting a speed buff, yet France is still waiting for theirs after all the documentation proofs they have better engines.


So… which model is it?
Could it be… a replica of the Wiesel family from three years ago?

Would take it give me a working light tank and the BMP 2, lets go full Indian. Maybe Gaijin will listen to Indian tank bug reports…


We have the Lynx at 10.3, which is still a great heli at 11.x and at 11.7 we have the Teapache

Please, do explain what purpose the SARC MkIVa serves

You know, not everyone already owns every single pack in the store

yup agreed.

I’m just coping more than anything tbh

Can’t wait to see the whole list

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na warspite was always gonna be the premium, they have always made the famous ships of the class the event, premiums. look at Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eguan

So… which model is it?
Could it be… a replica of the Wiesel family from three years ago?

I doubt that germany gets more than one boxer especially because germany gets already many vehicles this update. It will probably just be the boxer with puma turret. Easy to model aswell

And here I am just waiting for Hornet to arrive because its one of my favorite jets

best guess? RCT30

easy asset flip. puma turret on boxer


That thing was outdated when it got added.

with only a 6km all-aspect IR lock and a < 3 km lock for helicopters - that thing is not worthy at the br and some long range spaa is needed for CAS