Well, hope you/they will start to work on solid shots soon as it makes some tanks pretty much unplayable .
needs more compression
I play the USA and I just want to say that Britain doesn’t get enough love. There are so many us aircraft that they modified and many others that aren’t represented in game.
my heart
Gaijin should give all MBT’s the BF4 touch
T-90A’s going 40 mph in reverse, and Abrams being able to do cartwheels in the air
they should also make gun barrels physical so we could do ragdoll throws like in GTA
Why don’t we have stuff like the Convair F-106 Delta Dart and F102
I want to be able to smack exposed crew with the barrel and launch them across the map
POV: minecraft enchanting table
bUT YuO juST GOt INdiA, ISnT thAt GOoD eNUoGh FOr yUo?!?
F2Y Sea Dart when?
I don’t know i’m trying to figure out why they arnt in the game yet
Why is like 80% of custom sights in WT live just…softcore porn…
Not just custom sights, 80% of all WT live content is softcore porn
am die
From what I read on the old forums, many points are too thin;
Spanish Avenger once again skinny shaming, you hate to see it
i have another question, why germany mains are furries?