Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Its how they prevented swedish players from getting their only rank 8 when the JA37D came out at the same time as the f16/mig 29.

The more fucked up part was that they made you either grind the entire finnish tree for the mug 21 or buy the Saab 35XS in order to rank 8.

Though sweden only had 3 lines of which most aircraft are “fighters” and copy paste strike versions of those fighters. Regardless both sweden and isreal are the only air nations to only have 3 lines. So both nation could get 2 sub trees just for air.

Finland added the fourth line but it aslo had to have a swedish jet added to it just to expand it.


alrighty friends, could be today or tmrw, or just next week!

Probably next week, but after the little event woth forum staff itd be kinda funny forngaijin to push the update back 2 weeks lol

Im guessing Roadmap stuff and maybe next even this week. First dev blog next week

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likely, but one can hope!

Does anyone have the latest leak list

It’s kind of spread out between the Chinese leak and Gszabi’s stuff

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Let’s say Swiss is indeed coming with an F/A-18.
That would justify a rank 8 premium for Germany.
What would be some good options?

The other F-4F ICE, I would say.

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Probably the Greek F-4E AUP


Basically, the same as the KWS (both were modifications by DASA (Deutsche AeroSpace AG)) with some further improvements, like a targeting pod, more air-to-ground ordnance, a new HUD, and some MFDs.



Might actually get it then

With bombs on a10c there is an issue
Because of low speed they dont fly long and seem to be useless in comparison to the agm65

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I mean yes add them but let aviation catch up first.

The A-10C with 6x more advanced AGM-65D’s and/or AGM-65G’s as well as having 4x AIM-9M’s will definitely make it a lot more effective and help it avoid its greatest weakness, having to get close and personal to ground targets (especially SPAA) with its slow speed. Giving it long-range fire and forget missiles will make it an anti-vehicle missile bus. However, that’s not to forget this baby…


I’m still going to get close and personal because who doesn’t want to light people up with the Avenger.

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At this point give it G2s

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What BR will it be, like 11.0/11.3? Cause it should be slower, with worse AAM in comparison to Su39 but all 6 missiles being fire and forget. I mean even if they both have the same missiles it wouldn’t be fair cause you don’t have to face stupid Pantsir.

like 11.0-11.3

Is it only 6 Mavericks or does it get more GBUs as well?

It’ll likely be pretty trash. But that is fine imo, because I don’t mind having free RP flying around to help spade my pantsir and tor.