Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

fake and hella old as well

Why did this pop into my head as a I read that? :D




iirc that one needs a radar vehicle to detect airplanes and fires missiles derived from the old Crotale missile. They apparently have a 11.8km maximum range, but they’re probably worse than the VT-1 in terms of maneuvrability

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Please Gaijin, add the SAM-1C ARH missile. I need my 14km PESA death stick

Seriously, the ARH missile was the main feature of the Type 81 (C) variant, it was a crime to add it without it…

And that is ignoring other missing features like:

  • Imaging seeker for the current missile that would make most interference disappear
  • Full 14km kinematic range for the current missile, as it’s just the ARH version with a different seeker, sharing the same motor
  • Launch without lock and missile self search to extend range on both missiles, so you can actually use the extended range of the lightwave missile and defend against a tank if you really have to

And on top of that there’s the Type 11, with longer range, AESA missiles and a trailer mounted launcher that may be towed by the radar FCS vehile, adding a ground based search and track AESA radar and lock on after launch and datalink functionality. So if the completed Type 81 (C) still doesn’t make the Pantsir cry in a corner, the Type 11 sure will.


It’s still in service with the Saudis so I can’t find much about it, that may be the case though.

Get lost with that russian stuff

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It’s gonna come, in fact it’s already here with the T-90 and Bison.

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Eh… One is SQV and the other is a premium. So far we have no russian vehicles actually on our TT yet which is where one of those SAMs would go. So with any luck. India remains premium/SQV/Event only and the TT remains Britsh, Canadian, Australian and South African


Most hopefully so.

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Yea, Japan has pretty good SPAA already. It just needs to be allowed to use its actual capabilities instead of being handicapped.


^ That…

wont names names since the matter has been dropped…

But, we do not want to see that kind of disrespect shown towards Staff again…

Also as we have mentioned numinous times now… Off Topic and Wish listing needs to be taken elsewhere…

Back on Topic!


Heard there’s gonna be some tanks and airplanes in the next update
^ bookmark this ~ you read it here first


Adds naval only update


the best spoiler today


So I guess that means we can guess how many Swiss stuff we could get lol

Damn, the only news I heard was that this update would not include the Bob Semple tank

yea, coz its this year’s last grand event vehicle … Big Bob ain’t gonna be some freebie

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In the latest updates, there have been some puzzling changes in direction from the snails. Suddenly, the idea of “subnation” gained traction, we also saw coalition subtrees, and finally, it was confirmed that India is indeed a “subnation” of Britain. Suddenly, the ghost of the five lines in the tech trees disappeared, and Japan (which should be the next to receive a subtree) suddenly became the nation without the most urgent “needs.”

In other words, plain and simple: there are other nations more in need than Japan and Israel, and they will receive “subnations,” even if they already have five lines. No, it won’t be for Japan, China, or Israel. Argentinians can settle for market skins (whose authors weren’t even recognized and won’t be able to monetize with keys) since suddenly, Argentina was refused, and suddenly, Switzerland will help Germany with its [awesome tanks] copy-paste aircrafts.

It seems Gaijin has no idea where the game is headed; everything feels very improvised, and the choices never seem to be the best. Switzerland has some great tanks, but Germany already has four Argentine tanks, while Argentina has some great planes, and now they’ll fill Germany’s air TT with copy-paste Swiss planes (I’ll say it again: Hunter F.58 was the worst choice Gaijin has made in years).

Wouldn’t it have been easier to just add an F-16AG? (German parody of the F-16AJ) Or a Swiss F-18, or find some temporary solution until the EF like they did with Japan?

There really isn’t any logic in the decisions or statements made by the official game spokespeople. Everything seems like a series of very improvised and unprofessional bad decisions, funded, of course, with our money.

_I feel that Swiss planes don’t help the German air tech tree at all.
_I feel that Germany will end up getting Mirages anyway, and France will end up with many Leopards before receiving its counterpart to the Df105.
_I feel that the Swiss tanks will end up as event vehicles because they really don’t have a place in the TT.


South America, including Argentina, will likely be a tech tree… just not this update obviously.

Over Mig-29 9.12? No… 9.12 was in-service and with plenty of documentation.