Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

What have they done now?

You do realise most other MBTs can be killed just as easily?

Malaysian F-18 would be nutty

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made it so you cant drop bombs going super sonic

Even though Tornados toss bomb at Mach…ha ha this game is hilarious

To late, allready Happening with the .150, luckly its not live YET

F/A-18C/D carries 10 AIM-120

But F/A-18A+ & F/A-18B+ (USN) armed 10 AIM-120 AMRAAMs like F/A-18C/D (USN & USMC) ?

What? Are you saying the swiss F/A-18C cant use 10 aim120s?

What is your mission?

They use the same pylons, so yes, they could carry 10. IRL they don’t carry 10 at once unless it’s just for show.

Word on the street is that the Swiss FA-18C is being introduced to the german tech tree.

BIG IF, so then we will have an actually good aircraft at top tier instead of an apartment building with wings

Everyone knows only USSR is allowed competent SPAA


And what kind of SPAA like it could you offer?

Which are self-propelled, do not need to be deployed and have their own radar?

I can only say about two SPAA that I know (And then not quite).

So a probable squadron with ARH? Nice.

That’s kind of the point. The USSR tree shouldn’t have gotten the Pantsir, as there is nothing the other nations could get to compete with it

Nobody surprised F/A-18C/D for USN & USMC and export operators mounted 10 AIM-120 AMRAAMs

But I’m just curious F/A-18A+/B+ for USN armed 8 or 10 AIM-120

Yes, the A+ and B+ could be armed with 10 AIM-120s as well, as they used the same Pylons.
Realistically they wouldn’t for multiple reasons, the biggest probably being the induced drag and the fact that nobody in their right mind would put that many highly expensive missiles on a single plane.

In principle, I agree with you, it was possible to add something more restrained than pantsir.
But it is no longer worth complaining about its presence, we are at a stage where the armament of aircraft already allows us to destroy such SPAA with impunity (GBU-15V2B for example/KH-38).
It’s just that everyone is used to the usual climb to the space, I would say so.
P.S. So it’s just a matter of time, as usual.

The UK can get a Supacat HVM that can fire ASRAAM. Whilst it can make use of an external radar to extend its range / support the locks, its not required. Sky Sabre as well has an IRST system intergrated

USN & USMC F/A-18A+/B+ armed 10 AIM-120 like F/A-18C/D ? But retain General Electric F404-GE-400 engine ?

F/A-18A+ equipped AN/AAS-38A or AAS-38B NITE Hawk pod ?