Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

A matter of time until what exactly?

Most nations never operated anything like the Pantsir

Well, it’s hard to say. For example, the USA has an air defense doctrine, they have a developed system for detecting targets and countering them from the air. So when playing for the United States, I usually use the F-16C with 6 AMRAAM instead of the same adats.
P.S. And despite this, you are also right, some may not have aircraft to counter enemy aircraft. And what to do with these people, I can’t say.

The only option I think is to add a “radar station” either in spawn or off map, that provides radar data for launch vehicles. Only way anyone can get anything better without issues. Even the USSR can end up getting better using that.

1 - If Gaijin knew there was no comparable systems for other nations then they shouldn’t have added it in the first place.

Imagine if it was the 90s and that War Thunder was a thing back then. Would it be fair to add the F-22, the pinnacle of all fighters, only to USA while everyone else is stuck in 4th gens? Suddenly “errrm it’s not my fault nobody has comparable systems” doesn’t work so well

2 - Now that ARH is in game we can have the various ground launched AMRAAM vehicles. Many have radar trailers, churchill crocodile proves that trailers work in WT


Id totally agree with this… but 2 issues

  1. CAP = like 10x the SP cost of an SPAA

  2. Not everyone has CAP, so maybe we need a naval style system that allows people to spawn a fighter or bomber (with limitations to leave a value to grinding the tree) without grinding the air tree


They kept the same engine, yes.

I’m no US aviation history buff, so I couldn’t tell you if these Hornets were cleared to carry that many missiles, it would be physically possible to tho.

I don’t know anything about those Hawk pods, but I’ve read that there were F/A-18As that carried those pods. I couldn’t tell you which variant of them however.

I was thinking spaa that requires separate radar for that function should have a radar unit in spawns and maybe cap points. When the unit is in range of these radar the vehicle has a deploy function that hooks it to the radar and gives the radar tracking. Outside these ranges they can’t deploy and only get visual tracking or ir etc.

I will add about the air defense system, in the foreseeable future, the United States may add the Turkish
SPAA HISAR-A. Since there is a Turkish M60 AMBT in the US tech tree.


Could work, though may only make SPAA even more vulnerable as they would be fairly static. But yes, they are going to have to come up with something.

I reckon US will get the HUMVEE with AMRAAM next. Israel too (I think they have the same or something very similar)

The question is everyone else. UK has options, if Gaijin is willing to be a little flexible. But everyone else I have no idea


absolutely but having a few predictable locations is better then none at all. additionally in my experience most people in SPAA dont unlock the accelerator so they are stuck in spawn anyway.

This is true

Do you know if that chassis is indigenous or if it is American? If it’s American it will be like the M60 and go to the US but rn only Italy has indigenous Turkish vehicles.


It’s not like Italy will get anything anyways there are too many US players to fight against for the rights to it lol.

No one wants that surely not, it would be disgusting.

Why would it be?

Because AMRAAMS are incredibly hard to dodge and it wouldn’t be put at top tier

I can’t say, don’t have such information)

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I’ll look into it for you ;)

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Because mountain chocolate base alpha sounds better.

It is mounted on the indigenous FNSS ACV-30 chassis, 100% indigenous vehicle.

It would probably go to Italy since their top tier spaa is gun based lol. The US could definitely benefit from it though and it could be added in the same way the ITO 90M was for both tech trees.