Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)


Germany: Home to literally of some of the greatest MBT’s and IFV’s of the game

Britain: Lol

Italy: Budgetary Germany

France: Fun af tbh

Japan: A much better Italy, but with all the percs of US aviation

Sweden: Germany on roids, immense varity and utility

Israel: Mostly a meme nation, but has unique vehicles and honestly (better) versions of US shit

MBTs? yes
IFVs? you mean the buggy mess that is the Puma?

RIP Tornado’s



Somehow even with the military defense budget of GOD himself, the US still makes a worse IFV than Germany

Abd Britains AH-64 wont get Brimstone so guess we endure while Russia get 15-20km guided missiles


fingers crossed for the XM30

I unironically think Britian should only be played until 7.3

Everything past that is just insufferable

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Dont know why they didnt get them?

Because they would be way too OP

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Haha they got the F1C now the ‘Nados everyone will have to slow down for base bombing now

I had hoped we had seen either buffs to other MBTs or more counterparts for the 2A7s/Strv 122 for multiple nations. But I guess Gaijin doesn’t mind these tanks stomping for 2-2.5 months.

This is why im ok with the Abrams being shit protection wise

We get the power of the sky

only reason you even posted it is because you want the EFT and the fact its for only germany reinforces this idea of it being completely fake


Fire and forget top attack missiles AH-64
Plus the UK simped to the US and opted for JAGM, despite it having no benefits to Brimstone. But you know buying US made airframes they dictate what they want to allow you to integrate.


I’d guess that is in November only. I doubt Gaijin would do that without pampering the Chinese an update prior to calm them down, as they are basically the only opposition.

So this one is likely the “appease China” update, not the actual ASEAN subtree.


By saying this, you confirm my point of view. The Abrams is an advanced heavy tank, designed in one of the richest countries on the planet. However, in this game he is reduced to a light camper hiding behind a hill, waiting for an opportunity. Because most tanks take him in one shot.

I don’t know US Navy F/A-18A armed AIM-7F only or both AIM-7F & AIM-7M. but fitted AN/APG-65 radar.

did they really need to nerf the tornados?