Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

So a Heli premium can have AAM’s that have imaging warheads, not too disimilar from what you’ll see in seekerheads of 9X’s and Python 4’s

BUT 114L’s are too much of a stretch because ARH can’t be countered by ground vehicles… Please explain how your MBT will protect itself from a dumb bomb dropped on top of it. Or a KH-38MT which it has no way of knowing if its locked on to it or not, or any TV-guided munition

It’s just a lazy excuse to delay yet another chance of Us heli’s being actually useful

Let me get this straight, you think the TY-90s are bullshit, but the Hellfire Ls would be fine?

I think saying “its too game breaking” is a really bad excuse to even explore implementations of more additions to a game

Mind you, a LOT of things modeled in game are not 1 to 1 to its real life performance.

Not a premium. All PLA helis above 10.0 have TY-90’s. And TY-90’s are only a threat to those who decide to spawn aircraft. 144L’s are a threat to those on the ground, who have no counterplay whatsoever.

And to add, all heliborne missiles have the same type of IRCCM. Seeker shutoff + FOV gating.

Huh ? PAF JF-17A Blk 1 limited 4th gen IR AAM only ?

JF-17A Blk 2 armed active radar homing SD-10 & SD-10A

The counter play is playing an SPAA. The counter play is flying jets and scanning dots on your horizon. The counter play is to actually play good and make sure the enemy can’t spawn in shit as much as possible.

Not having a counter isn’t a strong argument. A better one would be, not everyone has lineups that can counter everything. Which even still, isn’t an excuse to delay game progress or nation progress

SAMs cannot reliably counter helis with FnF missiles


Churchill_Snake-Carrier (1)


“skill issue”

Pantsir can. Few days ago I shot all mavericks from F-16 and then killed him. Talking about balance lol. No other SPAA can do that.


KLJ-7 radar used on JF-17 Block 1 is just a planar array radar as far as I’m aware

Ah yes, sorry for being unable to kill helis that just peek out behind a mountain for a second before firing their missile and then disappearing again

Wait until your nation gets something equivalent

Like. Every. Single. Update.

Equivalent to what?

The Hellfire L? - No need to, they won’t be added.

The Pantsir? - If there was an equivalent, we would have received it by now.

I’ve literally just said the opposite.


The ying yang here, much like real life

US heavily developed CAS and Air to Ground capabilities

USSR/Russia heavily developed SPAA and surface to air missiles

I would say cope and appreciate your nations unique advantage, but modern day WT players just want equilibrium and not care for nation uniqueness

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omg yes

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Old, but nevertheless so true


The 35XS will be smited by the will of Allah (my Sedjil going mach jesus into its face)

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A nations unique advantage?

Would you mind telling me the unique advantages of Germany, Britain, Italy, France, Japan, Sweden and Israel?