Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Not so much a bait, just making fun out of the peeps who so adamantly believe Swiss sub-TT isn’t coming :p

I want this or something similar in the main game.

lmfao. its called an anual release schedule

i shall use this one next time gaijin nerfs something and tries to justify it with statistics and spreadsheets

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There’s still no real evidence that it is coming.


They can still add other Toldi variants, such as Toldi III and even another Turan II can be added into the regular tree (can be devided into “early”, the one without add-on armor and “late”, which will remain a rare prize).
Zrinyi I will probably remain rare vehicle since it was only a single vehicle produced. On the other hand, TT already have similar designs in a form of StuG.IIIG and 75/46 M43 + at least one Romanian Mareşal will surely be added.


I might have missed this bit, but did people ever figure out what the third (now fourth) blanked out aircraft was? The one for a different nation than the other 3.

I wish they would add things like this to the main game already.

We release updates every year yes. They are never on the exact same specific days however. Never have been planned to be and never will be.


Datas dont lie (or why do you guys balance BR based of statistics)

The data for the dates doesn’t, that’s correct. You can also clearly see from that that updates move around +/- dates and have never been fixed to singular dates. Just periods of time.

The people reading the spreadsheet of update releases are the ones misinterpreting the information and not understanding how updates work unfortunately. It also actively misleads others.

Comparing this to game balance and BRs is entirely meaningless.


I mean Puma S1, some unclear boxer variant that can be hit or miss
The gecko for germany, italy amd the russians.
China vt rework
German leopard rework
A10C counts as griund i would say

Generaly it is quite a bit

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It doesnt matter when an update comes or not, he doesnt do the actual work, gaijin devs decides when they are ready for an update.

True, but only for 1 nation.

I agree with these.

Fair, but only for 2 nations again

I do agree it counts for ground. However this is just as good for ground as the F-4F ICE was for air last update, hell probably even worse.

We both know it’s a doa trashcan. The only thing it’s good for is that it’ll make spading SPAA faster.

Overall the problem imo is that the majority of the top tier ground content seems to only be for Germany and Italy eith some things for China.

still doesnt give him, as a community manager might i add, the right to put words into ppls mouth that they never said.

Will try something…
@Smin1080p_WT can you deny Switzerland coming in the next update?

Im not. You claimed the update was late:

Then made up a bunch of false reasons:

This is exactly the type of false misinformation spreading that actively promotes the myth each major cycle that I have to spend time going round to clarify. So whenever anyone makes these false claims based solely on a spreadsheet of previous dates that have no relation or connection to the current major other than the rough period of time they fall on, im very much going to correct and clarify that it is in fact false because again, its deeply misleading for others.

Nobody is gaslighting here. I too am deeply disappointed at yourself for spreading false information that actively encourages people to make these sorts of unfactual claims every major in the first place, that we have to spend time correcting.


a man with gray hair and a black jacket says hello chat

What we doing today?


I’m doing guess what…


Human things, yea I know shocker right ? lol

Oh, so you are trolling and agitating people again… Great…