Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I didn’t know eating meant that : (


Knowing you, for sure you are using fork that you bent the other way as a spoon, just to annoy someone.

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Welp chats going to hell time to leak Sekrit documents



My role as a Community Manager is spesifically to correct false information and claims. Such as the likes you were claiming. It directly misleads others and helps to propagate these myths that “the update is late” when in reality and factually, its not at all.

Please refrain from that in the future.


I was eating sweetcorn and pepperoni pizza with a fork yes lol

Me too, i have a Fiat manual


Dear god

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Just that name is enough to give some maus players PTSD…



The only reason for that, my friend, is that there are a lot more Germany mains and players, so more people = louder, therefore leading the community to see the majority of complaints coming from Germany players. Which does not eradicate other country players’ complaints, it’s just a lot more dominant.

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Damn, it seems that some Maus players were kileld by this

How did they?

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Try the A6M5 Ko, I had a few naughty word by a few players while I was in it hehe.


Very real sekrit documents, that clearly tell that the updoot will be here exactly when the majority of the community has lost it and has begun drooling on the floor after missing their recent dose of sekrit new leaks. Very sad day for us


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You haven’t see naughty players until you’ve seen F-15 players when you kill them with a 15G R530E missile lmao

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German mains are inattentive pedestrians)

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Period of time - exactly
And when something falls out of that time period we can ask if something is off

dont worry, i shall post everything next time on the forums. every leak, every document, every mail. since you keep claiming that im lying…

but here is the ‘‘false and fabricated’’ lockdown statement from one of your employees. (i should not have this (im not on that server))

If you are going to use previous years dates as the means to claim the current update is somehow late, delayed or otherwise, then yes that is false.

Im not even sure what you are referring here or what you are trying to defend. Nobody here has said everything you have ever claimed or said before was a lie.

What is false is to claim the current update is “late” or delayed. Factually it is not and is planned for the same time it was for many months. Nothing has changed or moved that.

I said quite clearly there would not be blogs last week. Its abundantly clear to all we are much closer to them now.


Honestly the Ko was the best thing I ever brought from this game. In the right hands it’s more deadlier than a missile.

I had 4 games today so far and got 9 kills in total and no deaths, one kill was a Ju 288 lol

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Except for maybe 2-3 countries. You can’t just make South Korea a sub tree for example

The current update hasn’t fallen outside of the period of time that they normally fall on. Nothing is suggesting that currently beyond a spreadsheet with some dates of previous years blogs that may have started sooner or later.

We have these exact same claims every major update.