Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I mean, sure, it can do CAS if there are no SPAA’s and CAP jets to immediately shoot it down from the sky.

However that’s a tough request to fulfill when most nations get both CAS & CAP as a bundle (Gripen C [3 nations], F-16C [1 nation], and maybeee Mirage 2K?).

There’s also CAS jets that cannot be touched by any SPAA due to the excessive range of their weapons, so all they have to worry about are CAP capable jets (Su-25SM3).

Unironically the F-4F KWS is currently the most capable CAS jet Germany has at its disposal, which in itself is pretty pathetic as it gets only 2x65Gs and no TPOD so good luck distinguishing a destroyed AFV from an alive one at any range beyond 6km.

The Swiss Hornet shouldn’t have access to A2G ordnances ingame.

Gaijin will decide that, but they’ve given out ordnance(s) before that nations didn’t use/couldn’t use (or never even had) for the sake of preserving the game’s already shaky inter-nation balance.

That aside, the Swiss did purchase TPODs for their F-18Cs during the Upgrade 25 program, and Germany has had AGM-65D/Gs in their inventory; put the two together and viola :)


Main problem is, Gaijin doesn’t do balance either.

I mean, look at the 2A7s and Strv 122 being busted for 8-9 months now and the former even getting a buff next update. They have yet to do anything to bring the other nations up to par.

It’s not really capable of performing CAS duties. Unlike a fighter you can’t take any evasive to avoid SAMs because the Tornado is a bus.


Ehhhh… I died before. It aint that bad.

FFS… I was drinking coffee… Now im exhaling coffee😂😂😂

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Dont worry, gaijin will eventually give every tree a leo with L55. Balance will be achieved.

Strv 122s have been busted ever since they were added man. Even with the spall liner nerfs, all that had changed was reverse the 122s to their “pre-buff” status when they were still busted (nearly unpenetrable frontally, M/95 that hits like a literal nuke…).

I’d also go as far as to say 2A7V isn’t nearly as busted as 122s because it can actually be perforated along most of its frontal arc (upper plate, weaker turret & hull etc), and with spall liners being no more than an aesthetic atm, you have to be extremely lucky to survive more than two hits.

@gszabi99 anything you could say/show?

Or change on your own page :)

@gszabi99 dont do it. For the memes!

@gszabi99 will the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) be added in the next major update???

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With the recent talks about the Swiss and how they will add them, I think this could be the solution.


What are the planes leading up the the P-16?

While the Strv 122 is more busted, but in general the 2A7s and Strv 122s are all just on a different level compared to every other MBT.

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The normal ones after the alpha jet, the only aircraft moved was the Tornado

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The waiting game continues🍿


The Tornado should go to the rightmost column instead

The bomber line ?

eh idk but I like the idea as is since you would want the western fighter line free for the Typhoons ect.
Swiss aircraft doesn’t make sense in the Eastern line.

Plus the Tornado should be cheaper since there more aircraft before it.

The British Tornado is in the bomber column as well and the Thud and Aardvark are in the US bomber column.

That’s what those planes essentially are, bombers.

I’m not buying it. 2A7Vs armor profile is unironically poor (and very poor when compared to the 122s):


Spall liners are nothing more than just pretty looking plates (they still work on CV9040s though…).

2A7V used to be on a different level when spall liners still worked (no denying that, as I myself experienced it while playing the 2A7V and consecutively tanking 17 Vikhrs without losinge even a single crew member back in December/January), but now? Meh.