Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

In the previous two years, we had already gotten 3 devs at the same time, but this time it was clear that Gaijin was hiding a bit from them, hmmmmmmmmmm


The P-16 would probably be around 8.3 or 8.7. So probably before the alpha jet
(It has no flares and no guided ammunition)


I can neither confirm nor deny without the secretary’s approval.

A devblog is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when it wants to.


Lmao. It is still on a different level. Having played a lot of the top tier MBTs, the 2A7V is so good and easy to play that it’s boring.

I know that a lot of the true German mains (not you) like to claim that the improved stats comes from their skill, but overall German mains are easily still similarly skilled as US mains, just carried by the 2A7V being laughably strong.

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Sure, if that level is 3 on a scale from 1 to 5 where 122s are the 5s and SEP is a 2, then yes, I agree. But the difference is nowhere as big as people like to claim (i.e 2A7V = 122s). I’ve found majority of MBTs insanely boring (Type 90s the most because they’re arguably the best pound for pound 11.0s and nothing you say will change my mind, my K/B is higher in them than in the 2A7V which I played the most when spall liners were still “at their full capacity” i.e pre-nerf, so yea, Type 90 and TKX-P = boringggg).

Theoretically, the teaser will be released at the end of this month, and it is difficult to delay it later, otherwise the time is very tight, as there is a major update in October.
This time, Gaijin didn’t show us dev, maybe he was hiding something and wanted to hide it from us

Yeah, if devblog start this week, teaser will be next week

It’s pretty much Strv 122>>>2A7s>>>>everything else>>>Merkava&Ariete.

Now the real thing is waiting to see how the upcoming buff for the 2A7s will turn out.

The most important thing that a Chinese Tree needs IMO might be a trailer and becoming a focus of an update XD. The tree came out in Night Vision. Nearly all the update was about night battles.

So the servers are dead once again?

Damn booster WASTED because of this…

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They were working fine for me about half an hour ago

sry I petted the hamster and it did stop running

Or there too much salt for the snail to handle lol

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remember that this is Rumor Round-Up & Discussion. go somewhere else to complain about your bad internet

I would still put the bvm straight after 2a7, it still is a very noteworthy strong tank

I have played both and I would still put some space between the 2A7 and BVM. It’s actually unreal how good the 2A7s and especially the Strv 122s are.

Playing against a 2A7 feels like i’m a peasant with a farming tool facing off against a knight clad in full plate

Today I learned 600 mb/s optical fiber is “bad internet”.

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When you look at all the previous years and the devblogs starting to be released all around the same date, it is fair to say that you guys are late with this one.
The reason of why you guys are late can be anything… Leaker hunt, code fixing, lockdowns, whatever .

But statistically (yes i use gaijins own move against them here) over 10 years, this Updates devblogs are late.

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I wonder if WT will model accurate animations for variable intakes (intake ramps on F-15s for example or half cones on Mirage aircraft)?