Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

If they all have different camos idc i just want each nation to be represented in the nordic tree which is where they make sense

Oh btw I’d really like to see the M41DK, I think it’s sad that we still don’t have it.

Nor and DK have them iirc, though i want the NM142 so badly

Just like the terrible, never played, Taiwanese variant?

I kinda hope they bring the Canadair CF-104(as both Denmark and Norway used it) instead of the base F-104. Well due to it not being the Canadian service one won’t get nuclear bombs, having the Canadian-built Starfighter would be a bit more unique than a C&P Lockheed Starfighter.


Mhm, that would be awesome

We operated Chaffees, not Bulldogs sadly, and used them for far longer than we maybe should’ve, but yeah… at least we upgraded them. NM116. I think it’s pretty cool.

Romania doesn’t need another line, its planes can be accommodated within the fourth and fifth lines. And WW2 part of the fifth line will most likely be represented more by Romanian planes with inclusion of some Hungarian designs, though imo Hungarian variants of Italian planes, such as CR.32, CR.42 and HEJA II, can be foldered in other lines.

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The F-18C only gets ground attack ordinance, not much else. It’s not even as much as the US one.

The Gripen E is probs 2-3 patches out

Malaysia operated F/A-18Ds and they are a member of ASEAN.

Japan gets the subtree!

They were going to add missiles later on in the development process indeed they had started designing a new avionics bay for weapons avionics.

Design it, Build it, Fly it, Fight it.

But by that point other nations had officially joined the project and they froze the design until the new specifications were drawn up.

By that point Germany was re-unifying and they needed different performance. Things like supercruise, more hardpoints, a bigger and better radar etc.

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Basic F18C for finland did not have ground ordanance due to their treaty from the 40’s the MLU brought back most of it. Regardless i dont care for cas with it, i want it because of the inproved engines radar ect

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Japan is already mentioned above

Who is to say that Gszabi didn’t hide some of their vehicles to confuse us?

I mean the IAR-93B fits for the second gap but for the other 2 it’s hard to find fitting ones

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Gaijin disagrees

But this is the wrong thread to discuss that.

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Yeah couldn’t remember the name, would be cool around 7.7 maybe 8.0 since it has the Elands 90mm and a laser rangefinder

then they shouldn’t have added the yak aswell

Gszabi said that the hidden vehicles could be from an already listed nation.

As long as it’s foldered