Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Too bad so mamy german players want DK as their subtree like wtf

If they add submarines to coastal then they would need to rename it. Submarines are everything but not coastal vessels.

I liked the event. Was fun playing cat and mouse. It opens just up a different gameplay for naval which is needed

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They do? Can’t remember seeing this on the forums

Yet it doesn’t surprise me

Alternatively shift the Su-22UM3K/M4 after the MiG-23BN (So you have a West German strike aircraft line and East German strike/bomber line from Rank V/VI onwards), but yeah, not difficult to move stuff around to create room at the jet age to squeeze Switzerland in.

Side note, I missed the start of all this discussion on Switzerland a few days ago, can someone TL;DR for me why everyone is so confident it’s Switzerland on the way and not another nation for someone else?


I already talked about it with others and have no interest in creating a witch hunt. To summarize it their reasoning is they want the f16am because germany doesnt have a capable fighter and denmark is nordic and germanic

Well Gszabi our dataminer got a site :

and yea he’s been giving us hints too


-It can be only Germany, Italy, Israel and Sweden.

-Gszabi said that another nation is planned for germany when referring to an argentinian subtree

-Swiss vehicle fit more or less


Norway operated F-16AMs as well, Sweden really needs new top tiers ATM otherwise it will be stuck with gripen and hornet for at least 3 updates

me to. but sadly there is a high chance nothing will come after “The Battle of Unato” :(
But hope will always die last

I missed that part but if the vehicles are not necessarily for an in-game nation, there are a ton of Yugoslav aircraft that can fit into those letters

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Don’t make me add another to the list.

The Swiss is pretty much gonna be the sub

There really isn’t a 50/50 chance of a F-111 appearing in the British tree. Australia is not a subtree, it’s a support nation, so it is more likely that their F-111 goes to the US.

Id say sweden needs aircraft from 4.7 and up, they have no 5.x aircraft and norway and DK would both help greatly to bring some variety of vehicles and would compliment each other very well additionally they are the other 2 nordic nations that fit with the nordic tree.

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Ah, that makes sense. I assumed Gszabi had been having some fun toying with the thread, so Switzerland would make sense (Like what other nations could Germany even get? Denmark fits more for Sweden and I don’t think there’s much new Austria could add, and I can’t think of any other nation that would make sense at all for them)

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Yes. God forbid Gaijin add original aircraft to smaller nations so they will probably be reskinned Swiss aircraft

(Belgian branch / Hungarian branch / Hungarian helicopters / Finnish branch …)


Nah 1 unique vehicle and everything else c&p despite there being more unique vehicles


Actually sweden rn has 3 vehicles they can get left. Gripen NG(maybe but unlikely since the engine would hold it back and the pylons.)


With norway and denmark we could get the, f86k, f100, F5A, F104, F16A, F16AM ect ect

Sweden lacks variety especially since so much if their TT is fighter and copy paste strike fighter which is identical except with worse engines and flight performance often.


F-5F, because we still haven’t seen a trainer variant of it

Once we enter 5th gen territory (yes it has to happen at some point) then Norway, Finland, and Denmark can provide F-35 to Swedish TT

I hope for some actual useable SPAA’s for minor nations…
Japan has a very terrible SPAA at top tier and most other nations are really lacking as well, fighting KA helicopters with no heat signature ingame.