Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Depends, they will get the same F18’s to start. Its the MLU 2 model which will be better. Gaijin will want to add as many vehicles they can since sweden is basically down to 3 vehicles left.

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Actually they’d be ok because gaijin would give it AIM-9P-5s to keep it at 13.7.

I don’t wanna go fishing through this dudes sources but yeah

define usable.

In long range AMRAAM spamming? Sure. In doing anything other than “Being airborne” then no.

The Swiss used the AIM-9P5 on there F/A-18Cs so a 9P with the 9M seeker.

Die Luft-Luft Lenkwaffe Sidewinder AIM-9 bei der Schweizer Luftwaffe – Gazette-Online

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so basically it would be like with the swedish RB 74(M). A copy-paste of the 9M with a different name

Aim9P4s same as the thai F5 , they are all aspect, besides that aim 9x, they will propably get aim9m as a in between solution like they did with many other aircraft and then replace at one point

P-5s, just a 9M but kinda worse

Well they did almost release the ICE with 9L only, so there is still hope that this won’t be a completely Germany/China glazing update.

more than enough when you have 10 AIM-120 to back it up.

Ain’t gonna happen

I don’t wanna hear a single Germany suffers for the next 2 updates after this if you guys get it lol


I mean the pictures exist. it’s gonna get reported just like the 8 AMRAAM F-15C

or just straight 9ms are more likely, gajins to lazy to make programm the P-5s specialy

just like the UK gripen got supertemps then got them removed once ARH arrived

yes but they saw as well they need to release vehicles now with bvr missles as well in the start load out

there still is a big reason for germany to complain, a big problem still isnt resolved

Isn’t it 8 for the 18C?

That would be kinda annoying, I like unique missiles lol. They don’t even have to do much jut copy paste the AIM-9M seeker onto an AIM-9P

It can carry them + there is no reason to hold it back.



No reason to hold it back? I can think of plenty reasons to hold them back.