Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

They can give the US a F-18A and F-14D before adding the C. The US has 2 competent Toptier jets already (I prefere the F-16 over the F-15). They dont really need to rush another one. What the US needs is a decent M1A2 variant.

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Ah neat. Kinda excited for more type-16 based systems.

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those are () as used in special variants of a vehicle lime the Cockerill Leopard

not [] as used for Sub trees

nvm I saw an older shot

either way it can still be a standalone for example SAm or SEA tree

Britain didn’t need India and doesn’t need another heli, but here we are

Yeah, Im referring to the square brackets. Were you referring to the normal brackets?

I would ask if you care to bet, but trying to lure someone into a game with predetermained outcome is not right. 😁

Yeah I hate that the US is getting a DOA A-10C over a much needed SEPv3.

But Gaijin doesn’t care about what a nation needs or balance, they only really care about money. So one of their highest spending playerbase having a big outcry will probably have some sort of effect.


I bet 5GE on it

yes im that sure about it

pure British main sound

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Tell that to the “muh Commonwealth” hardcore britbongs out there… More around than you might think.

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Oh well. Guess i call then. Who am i to rob ya of the thrill

remember the Air dev team is entirely independent of the Ground Dev team

Oh I know, I just hate every second that was spend working on the A-10C. We all know it’ll be doa in both air and ground battles.

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unfortunately you aren’t the only player and some people hoped for this thing since the A-10A came

They share a common ground tho…
Both seem utterly incompetent when it comes to balance nor do they know how their own game feels to play (16vs16 top tier jets)

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It does have it’s positives, it’ll make spading my tor and pantsir a lot easier.

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the developers do not decide over the game mechanics

the people that are busy making vehicles aren’t those who have the power to decide how balanced they’ll be and neither how the game will change in regards to QoL

Is this sure? I always thought it was more like a team per country, because some nations clearly get more ground than air vehicles and the other way around.

I always thought they just roll the dice to decide on which vehicles get added

with some additions it seems like they do