Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Not today, maybe tomorrow but most lilely on Thursday or Friday is my guess

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Insert: 10x Fox-3 + 2x Aim-9



Ah, silly me, forgot that they decided to overload Italy by giving it the entirety of Axis nations instead of leaving some for Germany

Eh, doesn’t matter anyways, considering they are only adding russian vehicles and nothing else in subtrees

Not happening

No, I meant changing the white blocks to white blocks with hyphens in-between, which is just even more teasing you see?

That they were asked to not reveal everything at once is quite logical, as there are always last-minute changes because of corporate or situational circumstances. And not all the surprise has to be taken right away

Giving F-15C a taste of its own medicine

Well then it is

We will see if gajin does make them as they should be or screws up something with them


Damn we are getting teased.

However the F/A-18C seems more and more likely. Now we wait if it’s truely time exclusive to Germany.

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If it is i am expecting alot of moaning from US mains.

Isn’t the F/A-18 already pretty underpowered engine wise?

I don’t think such a loadout will do good for the flight performance lol.

The C hornet would do fine.

Funfact… Before getting HMS with 9X the swiss hornets were limited to Aim-9P4/5

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Swiss Hornets came with F404-GE-402s that had higher power ratings

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Hopefully not. It’s already worse enough with the italian AV-8 and that plane is just based on the harrier.

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Yeah I can’t wait. It’s going to be great. Might do some stirring myself.

Anyway. I think the whining will get loud enough for the US mains to either get their 18C (SK-105 style) or at least get a statement out of Gaijin stating that the US 18C will appear within X time (2 PSO/2A7V style).

And yet the US got the best version after all…

but it’s listed like a standalone nation

so those aren’t sub trees

I doubt Germany gets a Hornet at all


I meant the origin is american not the country which uses it

Those brackets indicate that it is a subtree. As for why its separate from everything else, it just means they want to keep it a secret for as long as possible. Im sure after the big reveal they’ll put it under the proper nation