Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

This will also become apparent with the F18 and F15E

Just like the guided ship missles or like the Russian Kh-38ML missles?
Or like the 20km launch range of the Pantsir which is only 0.3 br’s lower then a 6km all-aspect infrared missle SAM?

True, though Im just hoping Britain gets a WW2 Battleship soon-ish

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CAS is way too oppressive as it is and HARMs wouldn’t improve that situation.

None if you don’t play Russia or US.

It might… Long range SAMs would rectify some of the issues but would also need some form of counter which would be HARM. I think both would need to come at the same time



But you know what would

Great, more Russian vehicles for Italy - like we haven’t enough already…

Isn’t the OSA romanian?

What they would need to do Is expand the Ground RB maps have planes spawn farther out and have these things mounted if you spawn them in.

We don’t need a CAS vs AA arms-race.
If other nations can’t get a SPAA thats on the same level as the Pantsir, then the Pantsir should get nerfed.
Same goes for the KH-38s on the Su-25SM3.

Realism and authenticism are great and all, but there is a point where balance has to be prioritized.


Yeah, but the initial comment on reddit was about it.

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Romania has a few unique planes which aren’t russian. One unique plane is made by the one who made the arado prop plane.

Which wont happen because of personal bias towards Russia.

True, but it is annoying that planes have to be handicapped for the sake of ground balance. Would love for them to just have disabled loadouts for GRB and then add weapon systems to aircraft freely. Tornado Gr4 with Brimstones would be hilarious (and very useful for busting the convoys) in Sim. But would be “too OP” for GRB at the moemnt

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Cheaper cap aircraft spawn points. spawn a jet for 300 restricted by only having air to air missiles and non ground belts for the cannons.
Or the dream is combine both game modes…Air RB and Mixed battles

You honestly think they will add unique Romanian vehicles to the TT?

Wasn’t Hungary enough proof?


Wheres the RADAR?

I just want the giant Air EC for ground battles

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