Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

All the Typhoon deniers in the past year were saying “no no we cant have the Typhoon yet, it would be OP, we need the F-15C MSIP II to be added at the same time and that is a long way off”


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Yeah i’m hoping for some anti radiation to get rid of these nasty pantsirs

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Why would you want them?
“To counter the Pantsir”? That thing would be the one that would be bothered the least by HARMs.

Avro Vulcan were equipped with Shrikes in the Falklands and some Sea Harriers briefly had them right at the end of the war (or were planned to be deployed with them or something)

But Britain extensively used ALARM on the Tornado Gr1 during Desert Storm

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Do you care if I pull up stuff from the wiki or do I need to dig to find it?

Ok good I knew they could use some.

Mate, I don’t need you to copy paste stuff for me here, HARMs wouldn’t help with the current SPAA vs CAS imbalance, they would only serve to make it worse

Could be FIN or HUN aswell. Hungary is still missing vehicles below 5.0

But the soviets have a long range AGM.

Blanked nations don’t repeat in the list do they?
If they don’t then for ground it should be JPN, for naval should be ITA, for planes it’s 2 of DEU, ISR or ITA, the helicopter can be from any nation, but USSR.

According to the full list:

The only thing that would balance the CAS and SPAA imbalance is to get rid of that pure blantant BIAS towards Russia.
And US for CAS.

Yeah and they shouldnt have it to begin with

i never said they didn’t , you are just the guys that are complaining to MY comment specificly the most

way to modern.

At this point the only things going to fix the CAS problem is theater defense systems.

I want them more for PvE stuff in Sim. But even the threat of someone with a HARM could mean SAMs in GRB would be more hestitant to use their radars, whilst its not a harder counter, when you consider quite a few aircraft could carry 1 or 2 alongside a fairly reasonable A2G loadout, then it becomes a good threat/deterrent

Tornado Gr4 with 12 Brimstone and 4x ALARM


Its also pretty funny how everyone gets a new mechanic to boost their player base, yet the IJN Chikugo still does not get its guided torpedoes when added yeeeaaaars ago (the pod of 8 on the back).

But the US and IT albatrosses get guided anti-ship missles…

Europe is ready for it’s canards the F-15 is like the Ka-50 who thought it was balanced to give the best performing airframe also its 8 AIM120 missile load out.

Might be a tad OP

What do you guys think we’re getting for Dreams Come True this year?