Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

and i think the community will be devided even more when Russia corrupts other nations again with a so called “sub-TT”, which i basically Russian with no indiginous vehicles to them, or with perhaps just 1 indiginous.

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That would be amazing.

Would give a new lease on life to a lot of aircraft, Like when was the last time you saw a Harrier Gr3 in GRB as CAS.

But there is so much that could be added with CBUs, even systems like MW-1 and JP233


Would be better if gaijin added the more unique modified versions of their vehicles to sub nations that use russian equipment. Or idk actually didn’t lock unique vehicle behind an event.

(Boxer and patria moment)


Lancaster B.I Special, so I can get banned for teamkilling

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Not sure what the current issue is ? Smin might be better to ask about that side of things

But, basically… Developers try to keep War Thunder up to date with Current and or old hardware on the user end…

So, yeah if there are some kind of manufacture / hardware issues, then the Devs will try to keep things in line with such hardware / software updates as they roll out

At times it is best to make technical reports on user end machines, so that the Developers are aware of any technical issues

Along those lines anyway…

Well… not really my place to say…

Because… some will think that I have inside knowledge… my answer will be taken as Fact… my answer could add to undue hype… etc etc…

And that is why you are asking me, in case I have inside knowledge or I might have Good Luck in answering… :P


Grand Slam?

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Puma helicopter thats what Britain get…wow

Hell yeah

(ffs the brits cant stop complaining i swear)


Why would we stop complaining when gaijin just plasters our tree with russian vehicles through a subtree we didn’t want or need?

Meanwhile… US mains spammed about a dozen threads all complaining they couldnt steam roll in F-5C anymore and German Mains have been complaining about not having a 13.7 see last major update. But god forbid the Brits ask for small parts of 2 year old aircraft to be modeled properly


Puma is so bad they banned them from flying workers offshore to North sea platforms. Slapping some ATGMS on it wont make it playable it is a bag of crap.

Some other cool munitions that US aircraft can carry are.


AGM-78 Standard ARM


Playing top tier air RB F-15s are just so OP they could be 14.0-14.7 they crap on everything the Typhoon Tranche 1 would not be OP

No HARMs, thank you

ARM Would also be really fun, ALARM and AGM-88 HARM would add a lot of value to a lot of previous aircraft. Would also love proper SEAD objectives in Sim

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I might be wrong but I do believe british aircraft could carry these two.


I’m trying to say that Japan is always forgotten about.
Most of the times they dont even get shown on the dev-stream (EN), especially not on the Russian side.

Also, every update they get 1 ship and if they are lucky, they get 1 plane or 1 tank - they haven’t gotten a single helicopter since the introduction of the helicopter TT of Japan.

Then not to think that the 1 plane/tank is more C&P then indiginous, despite the amount of indiginous vehicles left.

Especially when looking at 1930-WWII vehicles that they could get - easily another 50 to 100 (with documentation).

Despite that, we havent seen a WWII Japanese plane for the TT in over 4 years now, with the last one being the A6M5 HEI.


But @Pacifica ,thank you for the long explanation!
Do you understand what i’m talking about or am i wrong, or am i looking at it from a different angle?

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Why not? They are anti rad so they can’t really hit tanks?